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Below is the report for the week of 2021-02-01..07:

# Summary

A busy week.

G.'s Rulebending rule is repealed, but e has a last bit of fun with two
Emergency Regulations --- see minute-by-minute coverage in the
Dictatorship section below. Plus, tune in to the thread "[Speaker] The
Speaker Show 2, Guest: G." for an interview, on another episode of
Cuddlebeam's new show!

It's Read the Ruleset Week. The Rulekeepor kicks off a contest, and
Murphy is clearly reading the Ruleset because e circulates a bunch of

Some interesting economic tricks this week. Falsifian creates an
"Obstructive" Victory Card/Point pooling contract; and Gaelan simulates
a Victory Card auction with unusual tools.

Also this week: "Bunny" hosts a Guess that Agoran contest; a
hobbit-style birthday; Cuddlebeam takes over another nomic; antics
around finger-pointing (including class-0 pledges and simultaneous

Our definition of "person" is amended, and more proposals are adopted
or begin their voting periods. Voting for Prime Minister begins. See
"Voting" section below.

As usual, the rules were questioned and reasoned about this week: a
ruling about the definition of "deadline" (relevant to G.'s actions
this week); Agora is hard to destroy; rules can't have IDs assigned;
and sorry, Cuddlebeam, but 0 does't get rounded up to 1.

# Voting

* Proposals 8532-8537 are adopted:

  * Change the definition of "person" to be more inclusive. (8535)

  * Replace the zombie rules with a simple inactivity mechanism. (8532)

  * Dethrone dictator G., and patch some bugs e exploited. (But see the
    section "Dictatorship" below.) (8533)

  * Remove Summary Judgement. (8536)

  * Let people pay to give each other blots. (8537)

  * Adjust some rule powers, without significantly changing their
    relative powers. (8534)

* Voting begins on Proposals 8538-8540.

  * Repeal all emergency regulations. See the "Dictatorship" section
    below. (8538)

  * Roll back the Bodies of Law framework. (8539)

  * Make Extra Votes stronger. (8540)

    * Trigon is sad that eir "Proposal Chambers" rule repealed as part
      of it.

    * H. Ministor nix warns players with the Economy focus to collect
      their Coins, because the proposal will eliminate it.

* Voting for Prime Minister begins. The candidates: Aris, ATMunn, nix,
  Trigon. Aris suspends eir campaign.

# Miscellaneous

* The Rulekeepor kicks off a Rule Golf contest for Read the Ruleset
  Week. Thread: "[Rulekeepor] RTRW Contest"

* G. hosts a "hobbit-style birthday" for emself, in which e gives gifts
  of Coins to other players. Pleasant words are exchanged. (The rule
  governing birthday gifts is broken.) Thread: "a hobbit-style

* Cuddlebeam publishes the second episode of eir Speaker Show: an
  interview with G. Thread: "[Speaker] The Speaker Show 2, Guest: G."

* Someone calling emself "Bunny" creates a contest to guess eir
  identity. Thread: "[Promise] Guess That Agoran!"

* Cuddlebeam takes over Nommit, a Reddit nomic with little activity,
  and connects it to Agora. Thread: "humble agoran farmer collects dead
  nomics [Nommit]"

* Cuddlebeam steals the Concentration Stone using the Soul Stone.
  Thread: "humble agoran farmer wields the Soul Stone [Attn.

* Trigon applies a fix to eir SEAMSTRESS contract. Thread: "@Notary Re:
  BUS: @Jason @nix SEAMSTRESS Amendment"

* Aris and Cuddlebeam enter a secret pact. Thread: "Secret Dealings
  [attn. Notary]"

* Falsifian publishes another draft revision to the Agoran Press
  contract. Thread: "[Contract Proto] Press revisions"

* Jason publishes intent to revoke all Coins from the Lost and Found
  Department. Thread: "L&F REvocation".

# Dictatorship

A bit of a scuffle this week.

2021-02-02 22:27:

  G. enacts two Emergency Regulations (the First and Second Regulation
  of G.ravity), claiming to allow em to extend dependent action
  deadlines, and also to allow em to do anything in a document with a
  particular hash (the "LAWS OF G.RAVITY"). Thread: "[Emergency] a
  fundamental force"

  * Jason calls CFJ 3893: is a time at which a without-objection action
    becomes resolvable really a "deadline" that an Emergency Regulation
    can extend? Murphy judges it FALSE.

  * Cuddlebeam publishes a document purporting to be the LAWS of
    G.RAVITY, containing the specified hash in its text rather than its
    hash actually being that, as a (joking?) attempt to thwart eir

2021-02-03 01:07:

  Rule 2633 (Rulebending) is repealed by Proposal 8533. This removes
  G.'s general Rulebending power, but leaves eir Emergency Regulations
  in place.

2021-02-03 04:06:

  Jason petitions the Prime Minister (ATMunn) to repeal all Emergency
  Regulations. (ATmunn responds at 15:16.) Thread: "[petition] Down
  with the dictator [attn. Prime Minister]"

2021-02-03 04:50:

  Aris creates a contract, "Agorans for a Democratic Society", with the
  purpose of removing G.'s dictator power, with membership limited to
  those Aris nominates. E nominates Gaelan, Jason, Trigon and ATMunn,
  who all join. Thread: "Agorans for a Democratic Society"

2021-02-03 08:28

  Aris submits a proposal to repeal the Emergency Regulations. Thread:
  "[Proposal] All Good Things Must Come to an End"

2021-02-03 15:16

  Prime Minister ATMunn announces intent to repeal all Emergency
  Regulations, and also attempts to issue a Cabinet Order of Manifesto
  to distribute Aris's proposal.

  The cabinet order fails because e didn't specify the proposal's text.
  Thread: "[Emergency] [Proposal Distribution] Dictator Dethronement"

2021-02-03 15:22

  G. purports to remove ATMunn from the office of Prime Minister, and
  then to appoint emself in eir place.

  Since the "LAWS OF G.RAVITY" which govern G.'s powers are
  unpublished, it is unclear whether this works.

  ("Prime mininster -> controls Emergency Regs -> Controls PM is too
  unfortunate of a tidy logical loop to leave sitting there")

  Thread: "[Emergency] Please remain calm (@ADoP)"

2021-02-03 18:44

  Aris certifies eir proposal with 2 support.

2021-02-03 21:34

  As Promotor, Aris distributes eir own proposal, along with two
  others. Thread: "OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 8538-8540"

2021-02-06 22:24

  H. ADoP Murphy petitions G. as possibly Prime Minister to disclose
  the secret document to em, so e can confirm whether the changes to
  the office of Prime Minister were effective.

2021-02-07 10:23

  ATMunn purports to repeal all Emergency Regulations, acting on eir
  earlier-announced intent. It is unclear whether e is still Prime
  Minister. Thread: "[Emergency] [Proposal Distribution] Dictator

  * Gaelan calls a CFJ asking whether it worked, and argues ATMunn is
    still Prime Minister because G.'s "LAWS of G.RAVITY" aren't
    "reasonably available information".

# Proposals, and related events

* Aris submits eir proposal (previously discussed) to "roll back" the
  Bodies of Law framework introduced by Alexis. Thread: "[Proposal] The
  Great Rollback"

* Finger Pointing to get Justice Cards:

  * Cuddlebeam deliberately falsely Points eir Finger at emself, then
    points eir finger at emself for doing that. H. Referee JTAC
    publishes a detailed analysis, then attempts to resolve both Finger
    Pointings simultaneously. Thread: "humble agoran farmer
    fingerdances for a good reason [Attn. Referee]"

  * nix makes a class-0 pledge (thread: "Weak Pledges") then proposes
    to ban them (thread: "[Proposal] Pledge Fix").

* Jason submits then withdraws proposals to make stones more likely to
  escape if they're "bored" from not being used. Thread: "[proposal]
  Bored stones"

* Jason proposes to reword Rule 478 to make it clear that a player
  cannot deliberately take simultaneous actions. Thread: "[proposal]
  Anti-Simultaniety Act". Also covered under "Rule questions and
  strange behaviour" below.

  * G. and Aris point out that Jason's proposal would break some
    things, and e withdraws it.

* Murphy circulates several draft proposals for rule clarifications on
  the discussion forum, and a few cleaning intents on the business
  forum, on February 7.

# Rule questions and strange behaviour

See also: the Dictatorship section

* Aris asks: would the propsal "destroy agora" be stopped by Rule 1698
  (Agora is a Nomic) or before it got that far? Thread: "[CFJs] How
  Hard is it to Destroy Agora?"; CFJ 3896

  * G. publishes a draft judgement finding that Rule 101 or 105 would
    stop it first. Thread: "[Arbitor] CFJ 3896 Assigned to G."

* There's no way to assign IDs to rules: Gaelan judges CFJ 3893 FALSE.
  Threads: "[Arbitor] CFJ 3893 Assigned to Gaelan", "CFJ 3893 judged

  * G. publishes a counter-argument, and is considering a motion to

* Cuddlebeam's scam to take Victory Cards from people by rounding 0 up
  to 1 didn't work: Aris judges CFJ 3895 FALSE. Threads: "CFJ 3895
  Assigned to Aris", "CFJ 3895 Judged FALSE"

* Birthday gifts are broken. See thread "a hobbit-style birthday".

* Gaelan attempts to "transfer coin to coin". Trigon explains e changed
  eir nickname to Coin. Thread: "[@Coin] Transfer"

* H. Referee JTAC attempts to perform two actions simultaneously. Does
  it work? Thread: "humble agoran farmer fingerdances for a good reason
  [Attn. Referee]" (also covered above under "Submitted proposals, and
  related events").

  * Jason proposes an "Anti-Simultaniety Act" in response.

* H. Speaker Cuddlebeam creates a contract selling eir Speaker veto for
  Victory Points. ("Agora is not satisfied with an intent if the
  Speaker has objected to it in the last 48 hours.") The contract
  relies on acting-on-behalf to object, and it's questioned whether
  that works. Thread: "humble agoran farmer becomes an assassin for
  hire via his Speaker powers [Attn. Notary]"

* Is the time at which a Without Objection action becomes resolvable a
  deadline? No: Murphy judges CFJ 3898 FALSE. Thread: "[Arbitor] CFJ
  3898 Assigned to Murphy"; see Dictatorship section above for context.

# Economics and Victory Points

* Falsifian creates a contract allowing players to lend their Victory
  Points to a player forbidden from winning, so that that player's high
  Victory Point balance will make it difficult for anyone else to win.
  It's also a mechanism to pool Victory Cards to be exchanged for
  Victory Points. Threads:
  "[Proto Contract] Obstructive Pooling", "[Contract] Obstructive

  * Others join; nix deposits a Victory Card; and nix places a buy
    order for the contract's currency on the Splat Market. Threads:
    "[Contract] Obstructive Pooling", "[Ministor] Monthly Legacy
    Grants", "[Splat Market] Order Book".

* Gaelan simulates a Victory Card auction, by creating a promise that
  causes em to execute the highest-priced buy order on the Splat Market
  contract on a given future date. Thread: "[Promise] Slightly Janky
  Victory Card Auction"

* ATMunn's post-economic-reset contract-governed auction ends. Thread:
  "Auction results [attn. Aris, Jason, G.]", "Cleaning up auction

* The total Buoyancy is flipped. A Boatload is now 6.1328. Thread:
  "[Treasuror] [Monthly Report] Floating Rate Schedule"

* The (first) February Victory Auction begins. Thread: "[Treasuror]
  [Auction] First Victory Auction of February 2021"

* Gaelan destroys some old contracts in the thread "[@Notary] Contract


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