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Below is the report for the week of 2021-01-11..17:

# Summary

Welcome, Ubercrow and Noah!

Lots of activity around proposals this week. Two minor improvements
pass, and our Dictator prevents an attempt to unseat em as discussion
continues on a proper fix for the loopholes e exploited. Some other
proposals in discussion: redefining "person" to be more inclusive;
restoring patent titles to former persons; ratifying the SLR; and
repealing Karma.

Cuddlebeam tries to have some fun without objection, but there are

Jason posts some archives for games from the unofficial Discord

Voting for Referee begins (Gaelan vs. JTAC, so far) and ATMunn keeps
Notary uncontested.

# Players

* New players Ubercrow and Noah register.

# Voting and elections

* Incumbent ATMunn wins the uncontested Notary election. Thread:
  "Initiation a Notary Election [@ADoP]"

* Voting concludes on Propsals 8527-8529.

  * 8527 is adopted: makes it easier to point fingers.

  * 8528 is adopted: rewords "earn an asset" to "gain an asset".

  * 8529 is stopped by our dictator: would have removed eir power.
    (It's been explained there are some loose ends to tie up.)

* Voting for Referee begins. The candidates so far: Gaelan and JTAC.
  Thread: "[ADoP] Voting for Referee"

# Archives

* Jason publishes a not-quite-complete archive of the "ANCS" Nomic
  played on Agora's unofficial Discord server. Thread: "ANCS - The
  Complete Archive"

* Jason publishes a partial archive of messages in the #diplonomic
  channel on same, used during the 2020 Birthday tournament. Thread:
  "Diplonomic - An Incomplete Archive"

# Proposals

* Discussion continues on which version of the SLR to ratify and when.
  Thread: "[Proto] SLR Ratification"

* nix pends eir proposal to repeal Karma.

* Discussion continues on patching up the bugs G. exploited in eir
  Rulebending power escalation scam. Thread: "proto: dictator fixes"

* Discussion continues on changing the definition of "person" to be
  more inclusive. Thread: "[Proposal] Personhood Revisited"

* Jason proposes to restore patent titles to former persons who lost em
  due to the definition of "person" changing. Thread: "[Proposal]
  Patent Title Restoration"

# Contracts

* Jason proposes to terminate the Agoran Arbitration Association.
  Thread: "[AAA] Dissolution"

* Cuddlebeam tries to raid more assets from the Lost and Found
  Department through the Plunder Partnership, but players object.
  Thread: "humble agoran far-AHOY mateys, let's loot and parley

* Cuddlebeam tries to put an angel on top of the Town Fountain by
  adding it to the rule's title without objection, and makes a contract
  governing changing the angel to other "stencils" to be applied. Four
  players object. Thread: "humble agoran farmer becomes a juvenile

* Murphy drafts a "digit farming" game, in the form of text for a
  contract charity. Thread: "Proto-charity: Digit Farming"

# Miscellaneous

* Murphy judges that Gaelan did indeed send the highest-known altitude
  public message when e called CFJ 3892.

* The January Stone auction ends.


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