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Below is the report for the week of 2021-03-01..07:

# Summary

This week, Agora echoes with a couple of G.'s past scams: voting begins
on Proposal 8547 to close the PM controls Emergency Regulations control
PM (and Speaker) loop; and there's discussion about whether eir recent
promise loop worked (CFJ 3901) and what to do about it.

Tune in to the OFF list for the third episode of Cuddlebeam's Speaker
Show! Please, nobody else win! I don't want the show to be cancelled!

JTAC, until recently our new and eager Referee, hasn't sent anything in
a few weeks. Jason deputises to take over eir office.

The wheels of Agoran gameplay continue to turn: lots of fix-up
proposals in flight this week, and Stone auctions both formal and

# Voting and offices

* Voting begins on Proposals 8544-8548

  * Don't let emergency regulations (which are controlled by the PM)
    control the offices of PM or Speaker. (8547)

  * Replace some instances of "CAN" with lowercase "can" or other
    wording. (8545)

  * Provide a default target for stone wielding. (8548)

  * Rewrite the dependent action rules. (8544)

    * There are complaints that it's hard to tell what this proposal
      changes. A couple of players withhold votes so that the voting
      period would be extended.

  * Clean up a remnant of the old talisman rules. (8546)

* Proposals 8541-8543 are all adopted.

  * Add some missing methods. (8541)

  * Make bored stones more likely to escape. (8542)

  * Add a delay between economic victory and destruction of assets.

* Jason deputises for Referee, replacing JTAC, a relatively new player
  whom we haven't heard from in a few weeks.

# Rule questions and strange behaviour

* There's some discussion of G.'s promise loop scam:

  * What to do about it is discussed in the thread "A vote, a promise,
    and a [cfj]".

  * Whether it worked is discussed in the thread "[Arbitor] CFJ 3901
    Assigned to Gaelan".

# Economics and gameplay

* All but one eligible stones escape in this month's collection!

* The March stone auction begins, and players bid.

* Cuddlebeam starts an informal auction to sell the Soul Stone.
  Falsifian, the only bidder, wins it for 100 Coins.

# Miscellaneous

* The Herald awards Cuddlebeam Champion for eir victory in January.

* Our Speaker Cuddlebeam publishes the third episode of the Speaker
  Show, interviewing Trigon.


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