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Below is the report for the week of 2021-01-04..10:

# Summary

This week, Cuddlebeam launched a fearsome offensive, destroying the CFJ
Archives and deploying an impressive army. But Agora was up to the
challenge! Agorans elegantly disarmed the army by ignoring it, and new
player and interim Referee JTAC siezed the opportunity to write a
careful essay about whether the army constituted a No Faking violation.
Good job JTAC, and good job Agorans! (The CFJ Archive website was later
restored, but the attack is immortalized at

Our Great Benevolent Leader and Fount of Wisdom G. similarly fended off
an attack on eir power. Well, to be fair, it was more of a nudge,
suggesting that it's time for a change, and G. did later submit eir own
stepping-down proposal.

Some more run-of-the-mill political upheavals progressed this week.
Gaelan and JTAC compete to be our now Referee (and write about their
policies); nix is our new Herald; and ATMunn initiates a Notary
election in case anyone else is interested.

Rules, of course, can also be upheaved. Karma may be repealed, and
there's discussion on how to replace the zombie mechanism for handling
inactive players.

Falsifian gives a preview of a new email bot, the Agoran Exchange. The
digital future is now!

Some discussion topics this week: keeping our homepage fresh by listing
recent events; which version of the ruleset to ratify; activities for
Read the Ruleset Week.

And a Diplonomic revelation: it was Aris!

# Mayhem

* Cuddlebeam disables G.'s CFJ archive website, and claims victory over
  "the insidious and tyrannical cfj archives". E goes own to
  purportedly Deploy an Army, and makes other grand and imaginative
  claims. Thread: "Attack on the CFJ-A"

  * The state of the CFJ interface after the attack, with an amazing
    illustration of Cuddlebeam's army, is immortalized at
    and also in Internet Archive snapshots:
    and then with the image:

  * There's some discussion of whether Cuddlebeam's message violated
    the No Faking rule, and whether e took any effective action in eir

  * Gaelan points eir finger at Cuddlebeam for violating No Faking. Our
    interim referee and new player, JTAC, publishes a detailed analysis
    of the situation, ultimately declaring the finger-pointing to be
    Shenanigans. There is some follow-up discussion.

# Voting, and an attempt to end the latest dictatorship

* Voting continues on Proposals 8527-8529.

  * Proposal 8529 would end G.'s current dictatorship (Rule 2633).

    * Aris and Jason explain how the dictatorship came to be, in the thread
      "Explaining the Current Dictatorship"

    * G. blocks the proposal in the same way e originally increased Rule 2633's
      power to 3: by a rulebending form that withdraws votes and ends the
      voting period. (But e submits eir own proposal to repeal it; see below.)

    * Well, almost everyone's vote. nix managed to cast a vote that got around
      G.'s magic, but it was not enough.

* H. Dictator and controller of Rulebending G. drafts a proposal to
  repeal eir Rulebending rule and patch over some bugs e has previously
  exploited. Thread: "proto: dictator fixes"

# The economy

* Auctions:

  * The year's first Victory Auction concludes. Jason and Trigon engage
    in a bidding war across different lists. nix and Trigon each place
    a high bid and then withdraw. Threads: "[Treasuror] [Auction] First
    Victory Auction of January 2021", "@Treasuror Bid Adieu"

  * The year's first Stone auction begins. Thread: "[Stonemason]
    January Stone Auction"

* Falsifian lets loose an email bot called the Agoran Exchange that
  "lets people send and trade made-up currencies". Threads are on
  agora-discussion and have "[AX]" in the subject line.

  * Falsifian pays people to test it, through promises that pay real
    Agoran Coins in exchange for Agoran Exchange currency. Thread:
    "[Promise] Paid testing"

  * There's some discussion about what should be included in the emails
    sent by the bot. Thread: "[AX] 2 events"

# Miscellaneous

* Discussion continues on G.'s proposed replacement for the zombie
  rules. Should inactive players get to keep their stuff? There's also
  a discussion of whether a player with an "Activity" switch set to
  "Active" is automatically an "active player". Thread: "(proto) third
  level Turn Undead"

* Discussion continues about adding recent events to Agora's homepage.
  Thread: "[Webmastor] Homepage Updates"

* Jason submits a proposal to clarify that an apology can't expunge
  more blots than someone has. Then e withdraws it and JTAC submits a
  more general fix. Threads: "[proposal] Apologetic clarification",
  "[Proposal] Extension to Blot Expungement Definitions"

* The Stonemason petitions the Ministor for an office Interest. The
  Ministor denies the petition but announces intent to assign one
  anyway. Thread: "[Petition] Stonemason switches [attn. Ministor,

* Aris reveals that e was the publisher of an anonymous "newspaper"
  during last year's Birthday Tournament of Diplonomic. Thread:

* Aris drafts a proposal to ratify a recent publication of the ruleset,
  as is done from time to time. There is some discussion about which
  version we should ratify. Thread: "[Proto] SLR Ratification"

* Our new Herald, nix, proposes to repeal Rule 2510, Such is Karma.

* The Rulekeepor solicits suggestions for Read the Ruleset Week
  activities. Thread: "[Rulekeepor] RTRW Festivities"

# Elections and Referee rules

* Interim Referee JTAC initiates an election and becomes a candidate.
  Thread: "[Election] Intent to Initiate Election for Referee"

  * JTAC discusses eir planned policies in the hope of being elected. E
    publishes a draft of detailed administrative regulations for the
    office, and pledges to enact them if elected. The regulations put
    restrictions on interim referees, recommends leniency on some
    crimes of Tardiness as well as an end-of-holiday reminder, and give
    guidance on what to put in eir report. Threads: "[Interim Referee]
    Courtesy Holiday Reminder", "[Interim Referee] DRAFT Administrative
    Regulations", "[Pledge] Electoral Pledge for the Office of Referee"

  * Gaelan becomes a candidate as well, briefly outlining a platform of
    platonism, saying the Referee should be subservient to the rules.

* H. Notary ATMunn initiates an election for Notary, saying e's content
  to keep the office if nobody else wants it. Thread: "Initiation a
  Notary Election [@ADoP]"

* nix wins an election for Herald as the only candidate, replacing
  P.S.S. who left recently. Thread: "Filling Offices"


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