Lee Revell wrote:
> I think it's a problem that FC5 does not have an RPM package containing
> these modules.
I think it's a question of cost of maintenance.   FC5 is currently on (although you might be forgiven fo thinking is actually 
2.6.16-1.2133_FC5).   /proc/asound says that we have 1.0.11rc2 which is 
exactly what's in 2.6.16.   Someone could, I'm sure, package up a newer 
version of ALSA and put in in a repo somewhere or even submit it to 
Fedora Extras or Livna.

Of course, the difficulty with that is that replacing files in an RPM is 
well-nigh impossible.   RPM simply doesn't allow you to corrupt an 
installed RPM.    However, someone could take the kernel source RPM, 
combine it with the latest ALSA build and create a new kernel RPM.

That's difficult though.   It'll break other stuff.

On the other hand, perhaps someone would volunteer to de-couple the ALSA 
modules from the rest of the kernel in the kernel build so that the ALSA 
modules can be updated and then we'll get to be able to install newer 
versions of ALSA without waiting for Linus to pick up the next version 
of ALSA.

Whatever happens, it's quite a lot of work for someone.  And while 
there's a fair amount of noise on the alsa-user list there's a limited 
audience for all that work.   Is it worth the hassle?   Put a bug in 
bugzilla.redhat.com and see what happens.   Or even better patch the 
kernel build and attach that to the bug report.   (Not you Lee, I know 
you have better things to exercise your not inconsiderable talents on.)

The alternative for the snd-riptide module under Fedora is to wait for 
2.6.17 to finalise and then for FC5 to pick up that kernel.   We're on 
2.6.17-rc6 it can't be much longer before 2.6.17 final hits the streets 
and then there'll be a QA delay before FC5 produces a 2.6.17-based RPM 
and we should then be fine.


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