On Tue, 2006-06-13 at 22:49 +0300, Sergei Steshenko wrote:
> You are "aiming too low".
> The true answers are:
> 1) drivers running in user space;

Agreed.  This would help many things.  For example it would solve the
binary only driver issue - vendors that feel the need to develop closed
drivers could do so without violating the GPL.

Of course it will probably hurt performance some.

> 2) stable, documented and adhered to ABI, so a driver compiled
> once by anybody for i386 (the biggest common denominator for
> IA31/IA64, AMD/Intel) will run as binary image with any kernel of any
> IA31/IA64 distribution.

Not going to happen until 1) is solved.

Anyway I don't think either of these will help with the main problem
faving ALSA drivers today - vendors do not bother to test their hardware
with Linux or contribute patches to make it work.  Some of them even
claim to support Linux like BenQ - I have heard that some peoples BenQ
laptops came with a Linux CD, but sound does not work on any BenQ laptop
due to an unsupported codec!  They clearly did not even test it.


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