Run 'amadmin <CONFIG> disklist' and check the auth is set as expected for all dles.


Steve Wray wrote:
Jean-Louis Martineau wrote:
Steve Wray wrote:
Jean-Louis Martineau wrote:
Steve Wray wrote:

On the client, in the sendbackup.20100106012630.debug log I see:

sendbackup-gnutar: time 0.056: /usr/lib/amanda/runtar: pid 3348
sendbackup: time 0.057: started backup
sendbackup: time 90.352: index tee cannot write [Broken pipe]
sendbackup: time 90.352: pid 3346 finish time Wed Jan 6 01:28:01 2010
90 seconds, it's not a dtimeout issue.

Post all debug files for the run.
You can also try the bsdtcp auth, it is more firewall friendly.

Ah hang on, am I right in understanding that you can't have just one dle using bsdtcp auth? That they would all have to have it? (ie the inetd configuration)
All dles for a client must have the same auth.
different client can have different auth.

We are going around in circles a little here.

Allow me to try to make things very clear.

In my amanda.conf I have a dumptype defined as such:

(I've included the parent dumptypes. The 'global' dumptype is empty)

define dumptype root-tar {
    program "GNUTAR"
    comment "root partitions dumped with tar"
    compress none
    exclude list "/etc/amanda/exclude.gtar"
    priority low

define dumptype nocomp-root-tar {
    comment "Root partitions without compression"
    compress none

define dumptype problem-nocomp-root-tar {
    comment "Root partitions without compression, problem client"
    compress none
    auth "bsdudp"
#    auth "bsdtcp"

There are several DLEs for clients using the 'nocomp-root-tar' dumptype and only *one* DLE for *one* client using the 'problem-nocomp-root-tar' dumptype.

With the bsdudp line uncommented everything is happy with an amcheck.

With the bsdtcp line uncommented (and the bsdudp line commented out) *no* client is happy with the amcheck *other* than the client which uses 'problem-nocomp-root-tar'. However, as noted in another email this is intermittent, sometimes some clients using nocomp-root-tar are happy. So far its not exhibiting much pattern that I can see.

The above *does* include the fact that I *do* change the inetd.conf on the client which uses problem-nocomp-root-tar *and* restart inetd.

So, with a change of one line in a dumptype in a DLE used by one client, all other clients have problems.

Perhaps I am misunderstanding something basic about dumptype configuration?

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