It finally happened.  My trusty old Toshiba Tecra completely lost it
this morning - just a blinking amber on light, no screen, no prompt, no
beeps.  So I'm trying to pull the files off amanda and get them onto my
other PC - a Dell - but I'm running into a problem.  I have a feeling
it's because I was encrypting the dumps on the clients.  Any help

I'm running Amanda 2.6.1p1 and I had three boxes

Amanda Server running Ubuntu 8.04
Toshiba Tecra running Ubuntu 9.10
Dell Inspiron running Ubuntu 9.10

My amanda.conf for the backups for the Toshiba are in laptops:

org "laptops"           # your organization name for reports
mailto "mlb"            # space separated list of operators at your site
dumpcycle 1 week        # the number of days in the normal dump cycle
runspercycle 7          # the number of amdump runs in dumpcycle days
                        # (1 week * 5 amdump runs per week -- just weekdays)
tapecycle 14 tapes      # the number of tapes in rotation
                        # 1 week (dumpcycle) times 5 tapes per week (just
                        # the weekdays) plus a few to handle errors that
                        # need amflush and so we do not overwrite the full
                        # backups performed at the beginning of the previous
                        # cycle
runtapes 1              # number of tapes to be used in a single run of amdump
tpchanger "chg-multi"   # the tape-changer glue script
tapedev "S3:"           # the no-rewind tape device to be used
device_property "S3_ACCESS_KEY" "Somestuff"
device_property "S3_SECRET_KEY" "Moresecretstuff"
changerfile "changer.conf" 
#changerdev "/dev/sg1"
tapetype HARDDISK       # what kind of tape it is (see tapetypes below)

holdingdisk hd1 {
    directory "/samba/smalldrive/dumps/laptops"
    use -1000Mb

holdingdisk hd2 {
    directory "/samba/bigdrive/dumps/laptops"
    use -1000 Mb

label_new_tapes "laptops-%%%%"  # Enable auto labeling 
labelstr "^laptops-[0-9][0-9]*$"        # label constraint regex: all tapes must

dtimeout 1800           # number of idle seconds before a dump is aborted.
ctimeout 30             # maximum number of seconds that amcheck waits
                        # for each client host
etimeout 300            # number of seconds per filesystem for estimates.

define dumptype global {
        comment "Global definitions"
        auth "bsdtcp"

define dumptype gui-base {
        program "GNUTAR"
        comment "gui base dumptype dumped with tar"
        compress none
        index yes

define tapetype HARDDISK {
    comment "Virtual Tapes"
    length 5000 mbytes

includefile "advanced.conf"
includefile "/var/lib/amanda/template.d/dumptypes"
includefile "tapetypes"

define dumptype encrypt-simple {
   encrypt client
   compress fast
   client_encrypt "/usr/sbin/amcryptsimple"
   client_decrypt_option "-d"

Here's my disklist

mlb-laptop.imparisystems.local /home/mlb/Documents encrypt-simple 
mlb-laptop.imparisystems.local /home/mlb/ImpariSystems encrypt-simple 
mlb-laptop.imparisystems.local /home/mlb/Desktop encrypt-simple 
mlb-laptop.imparisystems.local /home/mlb/EC2 encrypt-simple 
mlb-laptop.imparisystems.local /home/mlb/Photos encrypt-simple 
mlb-laptop.imparisystems.local /home/mlb/Pictures encrypt-simple 
mlb-laptop.imparisystems.local /home/mlb/.evolution encrypt-simple 

So I try to get onto my Dell to recover the files from the Toshiba.  On
the Dell, I do the following:

sudo amrecover -C laptops
AMRECOVER Version 2.6.1p1. Contacting server on ubuntu.imparisystems.local ...
220 ubuntu AMANDA index server (2.6.1p1) ready.
Setting restore date to today (2010-03-11)
200 Working date set to 2010-03-11.
200 Config set to laptops.
501 Host mlb-dell is not in your disklist.
Trying host mlb-dell ...
501 Host mlb-dell is not in your disklist.
Trying host mlb-dell ...
501 Host mlb-dell is not in your disklist.
Use the sethost command to choose a host to recover
amrecover> sethost mlb-laptop 
501 Host mlb-laptop is not in your disklist.
Trying host mlb-laptop.imparisystems.local ...
200 Dump host set to mlb-laptop.imparisystems.local.
amrecover> listdisk
200- List of disk for host mlb-laptop.imparisystems.local
201- /home/mlb/Documents
201- /home/mlb/ImpariSystems
201- /home/mlb/Desktop
201- /home/mlb/EC2
201- /home/mlb/Photos
201- /home/mlb/Pictures
201- /home/mlb/.evolution
200 List of disk for host mlb-laptop.imparisystems.local
amrecover> setdisk /home/mlb/ImpariSystems
200 Disk set to /home/mlb/ImpariSystems.
amrecover> lcd /home/mlb/ImpariSystems
amrecover> add *
Added file /ImpariSystems.20100309121440.log
Added file /ImpariSystems.20100309121438.xac
Added file /ImpariSystems.20100309103512.log
Added file /ImpariSystems
Added dir "/Demo Site/" at date 2010-03-08-17-27-03
Added dir "/Demo Site/" at date 2010-03-10-09-15-33
Added file /YorkInvoice.txt.20080211112237.log
Added file /YorkInvoice.txt.20080211112236.log
Added file /YorkInvoice
Added file /Q3IncomeStatement.20090222151410.log
Added file /Q3IncomeStatement.20090222151409.xac
Added file /Q3IncomeStatement.20090222150138.log
Added file /Q3IncomeStatement.20090220101929.log
Added file /Q3IncomeStatement.20090220101928.log
Added file /Q3IncomeStatement
Added file /OC_Beta_V4.0.pdf
Added file /ImpariSystems.20100228163356.log
Added file /ImpariSystems.20100228163355.xac
Added file /ImpariSystems.20100228163244.log
Added file /ImpariSystems.20100223123458.log
Added file /ImpariSystems.20100223123457.xac
Added file /ImpariSystems.20100223122643.log
Added file /ImpariSystems.20100223122642.xac
Added file /ImpariSystems.20100223121705.xac
Added file /ImpariSystems.20100223121705.log
Added file /ImpariSystems.20100223121146.log
Added file /ImpariSystems.20100223121145.xac
Added file /ImpariSystems.20100223120132.xac
Added file /ImpariSystems.20100223120132.log
Added file /ImpariSystems.20100223115324.log
Added file /ImpariSystems.20100208164001.log
Added file /ImpariSystems.20100208120210.log
Added file /ImpariSystems.20100208120209.xac
Added file /ImpariSystems.20100208115934.log
Added file /ImpariSystems.20100207143430.log
Added file /ImpariSystems.20100207143429.xac
Added file /ImpariSystems.20100207142854.log
Added file /ImpariSystems.20100207142853.xac
Added file /ImpariSystems.20100207142327.log
Added file /ImpariSystems.20100202141328.xac
Added file /ImpariSystems.20100202141328.log
Added file /ImpariSystems.20100202140825.log
Added file /ImpariSystems.20100202140824.xac
Added file /ImpariSystems.20100202135209.log
Added file /ImpariSystems.20100202135208.xac
Added file /ImpariSystems.20100202134629.log
Added file /Financials.20070602144258.log
Added file /Financials.20070524123205.log
Added file /Financials.20070524123203.log
Added file /Financials
Added file /EasyCom.pdf
Added file /Backup.20090222151812.log
Added file /Backup.20090222151811.log
Added file /Backup
Added file /2007msrsmfinal1.pdf
amrecover> extract

Extracting files using tape drive changer on host ubuntu.imparisystems.local.
The following tapes are needed: laptops-0002

Restoring files into directory /home/mlb/ImpariSystems
Continue [?/Y/n]? Y

Extracting files using tape drive changer on host ubuntu.imparisystems.local.
Load tape laptops-0002 now
Continue [?/Y/n/s/d]? Y
tar: This does not look like a tar archive
tar: ./2007msrsmfinal1.pdf: Not found in archive
tar: ./Backup: Not found in archive
tar: ./Backup.20090222151811.log: Not found in archive
tar: ./Backup.20090222151812.log: Not found in archive
tar: ./EasyCom.pdf: Not found in archive
tar: ./Financials: Not found in archive
tar: ./Financials.20070524123203.log: Not found in archive
tar: ./Financials.20070524123205.log: Not found in archive
tar: ./Financials.20070602144258.log: Not found in archive
tar: ./ImpariSystems.20100202134629.log: Not found in archive
tar: ./ImpariSystems.20100202135208.xac: Not found in archive
tar: ./ImpariSystems.20100202135209.log: Not found in archive
tar: ./ImpariSystems.20100202140824.xac: Not found in archive
tar: ./ImpariSystems.20100202140825.log: Not found in archive
tar: ./ImpariSystems.20100202141328.log: Not found in archive
tar: ./ImpariSystems.20100202141328.xac: Not found in archive
tar: ./ImpariSystems.20100207142327.log: Not found in archive
tar: ./ImpariSystems.20100207142853.xac: Not found in archive
tar: ./ImpariSystems.20100207142854.log: Not found in archive
tar: ./ImpariSystems.20100207143429.xac: Not found in archive
tar: ./ImpariSystems.20100207143430.log: Not found in archive
tar: ./ImpariSystems.20100208115934.log: Not found in archive
tar: ./ImpariSystems.20100208120209.xac: Not found in archive
tar: ./ImpariSystems.20100208120210.log: Not found in archive
tar: ./ImpariSystems.20100208164001.log: Not found in archive
tar: ./ImpariSystems.20100223115324.log: Not found in archive
tar: ./ImpariSystems.20100223120132.log: Not found in archive
tar: ./ImpariSystems.20100223120132.xac: Not found in archive
tar: ./ImpariSystems.20100223121145.xac: Not found in archive
tar: ./ImpariSystems.20100223121146.log: Not found in archive
tar: ./ImpariSystems.20100223121705.log: Not found in archive
tar: ./ImpariSystems.20100223121705.xac: Not found in archive
tar: ./ImpariSystems.20100223122642.xac: Not found in archive
tar: ./ImpariSystems.20100223122643.log: Not found in archive
tar: ./ImpariSystems.20100223123457.xac: Not found in archive
tar: ./ImpariSystems.20100223123458.log: Not found in archive
tar: ./ImpariSystems.20100228163244.log: Not found in archive
tar: ./ImpariSystems.20100228163355.xac: Not found in archive
tar: ./ImpariSystems.20100228163356.log: Not found in archive
tar: ./OC_Beta_V4.0.pdf: Not found in archive
tar: ./Q3IncomeStatement: Not found in archive
tar: ./Q3IncomeStatement.20090220101928.log: Not found in archive
tar: ./Q3IncomeStatement.20090220101929.log: Not found in archive
tar: ./Q3IncomeStatement.20090222150138.log: Not found in archive
tar: ./Q3IncomeStatement.20090222151409.xac: Not found in archive
tar: ./Q3IncomeStatement.20090222151410.log: Not found in archive
tar: ./YorkInvoice: Not found in archive
tar: ./YorkInvoice.txt.20080211112236.log: Not found in archive
tar: ./YorkInvoice.txt.20080211112237.log: Not found in archive
tar: ./Demo Site: Not found in archive
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
Extractor child exited with status 2

Any ideas?


Matt Burkhardt
Impari Systems, Inc.

Customer Relationship Management Systems
We help you find and keep your best customers 
502 Fairview Avenue
Frederick, MD  21701
work (301) 682-7901
cell   (301) 802-3235

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