We send the result of "amcheck -m" to our pagers, and I've always
wanted a problem only option for amcheck so that all of the output was
related to the problems, and everything that was OK would be
quiet. And, of course, if there are no problems it is completely
silent like -m does. The pages get to be pretty long with:

  Amanda Tape Server Host Check
  Holding disk /local-project/tmp/amanda/holding/daily: 2670724 MB disk space 
available, using 2645124 MB
  slot 21:read label `daily-051', date `20100810210000'.
  NOTE: skipping tape-writable test
  Tape daily-051 label ok
  Server check took 96.342 seconds

  Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
  Client check: 170 hosts checked in 14.855 seconds.  0 problems found.

  (brought to you by Amanda 2.6.1p2)

Which is 482 pages, or 4 pages.

I could stand a middle ground, that if the problem was a client down
the output would be like:

  Server check OK 
  WARNING: keyhole: selfcheck request failed: No route to host  

Or, if there is a server problem:

  Changer problem: cannot open SCSI device '/dev/daily-changer' - No such file 
or directory
  Client check: 70 hosts, 0 problems found.

But I still think that this new magic switch would only report
problems, nothing else.

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