Thank you Jon and everyone who have helped me understand a lot of things in 
Amanda. I have been able to split DLEs into multiple DLEs for the sake for 
distributing them in proper schedule. I also tried using inparallel and maxdump 
in amanda config and was successful only after configuring correct spindles in 

And yes, split_diskbuffer is correct. I am using it now which I think I ignored 
completely earlier. 

Currently, I have scheduled 2 amanda configurations in cron for amcheck/amdump. 
These jobs are going fine. One is weeklyfullbackup(daily incremental(5 days) 
and other monthlyfull ( daily incremental ) . I am thinking about buying 
another storage in order to accomodate additional DLEs that I have enabled. 
300G is not enough. And, yes virtual tapes option looks cost effective as well..

I will write more ..


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