
I don't recall how large your holding area is or if you end up
with multiple DLE in holding waiting for tape or not.

I've had good success with "taperalgo" and selecting the "largestfit"
option. This seems to fill my (non-spanning physical) tapes pretty
close to 100%.

If you have lots of work area and can delay your dumps until there
are mulipul DLE in the work area so the taper algorithms have more
choices there are paramters for that as well.

I believe (unless they have been removed in the last itteration)
that these relatively new parameters will help you get where you
want to go.

Note this is one of several examples in the amanda.conf file.
There are several examples to look at.

# You want to fill tapes completely even in the case of failed dumps, and
# don't care if some dumps are left on the holding disk after a run:
# flush-threshold-dumped        100 # (or more)
# flush-threshold-scheduled     100 # (or more)
# taperflush                    100
# autoflush                     yes

On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 01:34:31PM -0500, upengan78 wrote:
> Hello again,
> I think I am starting to realize that something needs to be configured 
> properly in order to Fill the tapes to their MAX capacity. I'd like some 
> advise on that. I can create another thread for that however, it may be 
> something to do with existing configuration so I am continuing the discussion 
> here.
> I am doing below cron jobs currently (no manual amdumps)
> #Amcheck
> 59 19 * * 1-5 su - amanda -c "/opt/csw/sbin/amcheck -a weeklyfull"
> 5 20 * * * su - amanda -c "/opt/csw/sbin/amcheck -a monthlyfull"
> #amdump
> 01 00 * * 1-5 su - amanda -c "/opt/csw/sbin/amdump weeklyfull"
> 15 01 * * * su - amanda -c "/opt/csw/sbin/amdump monthlyfull"
> weeklyfull- amanda.conf
> inparallel 4
> maxdumps 4
> dumpcycle 7
> runspercycle 5
> tapecycle 9
> runtapes 3
> dumpuser "amanda"
> tpchanger "chg-disk"                            # a virtual tape changer
> tapedev "file:/bk/location/amanda/vtapes/weeklyfull/slots"
> changerfile "/opt/csw/etc/amanda/weeklyfull/changerfile"
> labelstr "WF-.*"
> #label_new_tapes "PLUTO-%%"
> autolabel "WF-%%"
> tapetype DVD_SIZED_DISK
> logdir "/opt/csw/etc/amanda/weeklyfull"
> infofile "/opt/csw/etc/amanda/weeklyfull/curinfo"
> indexdir "/opt/csw/etc/amanda/weeklyfull/index"
> tapelist "/opt/csw/etc/amanda/weeklyfull/tapelist"
> #etimeout 600     # number of seconds per filesystem for estimates.
> etimeout 3600     # number of seconds per filesystem for estimates.
> #etimeout -600   # total number of seconds for estimates.
> # a positive number will be multiplied by the number of filesystems on
> # each host; a negative number will be taken as an absolute total time-out.
> # The default is 5 minutes per filesystem.
> #dtimeout 1800    # number of idle seconds before a dump is aborted.
> dtimeout 3600    # number of idle seconds before a dump is aborted.
> ctimeout 30      # maximum number of seconds that amcheck waits
>                  # for each client host
> holdingdisk hd1 {
>     directory "/random/amandahold/hold"
> }
> holdingdisk hd2 {
>     directory "/random1/amanda/holdingdisk2"
> }
> define dumptype comp-tar {
>     program "GNUTAR"
>     compress fast
>     index yes
>     record yes  # Important! avoid interfering with production runs
> #  tape_splitsize 1 Gb
>     tape_splitsize 1024 mbytes
> #  fallback_splitsize 512 MB 
>     fallback_splitsize 4096 MB 
>     split_diskbuffer "/random/buffer"
> }  
> define tapetype DVD_SIZED_DISK {
>     filemark 1 KB
>     length 10240 MB
> }
> inparallel 5
> maxdumps 5
> dumpcycle 30 days
> runspercycle 30 
> tapecycle 20 
> runtapes 9 
> dumpuser "amanda"
> tpchanger "chg-disk"                            # a virtual tape changer
> tapedev "file:/bk/location/amanda/vtapes/monthlyfull/slots"
> changerfile "/opt/csw/etc/amanda/monthlyfull/changerfile"
> labelstr "MF-.*"
> #label_new_tapes "PLUTO-%%"
> autolabel "MF-%%"
> tapetype DVD_SIZED_DISK
> logdir "/opt/csw/etc/amanda/monthlyfull"
> infofile "/opt/csw/etc/amanda/monthlyfull/curinfo"
> indexdir "/opt/csw/etc/amanda/monthlyfull/index"
> tapelist "/opt/csw/etc/amanda/monthlyfull/tapelist"
> #etimeout 600     # number of seconds per filesystem for estimates.
> etimeout 3600     # number of seconds per filesystem for estimates.
> #etimeout -600   # total number of seconds for estimates.
> # a positive number will be multiplied by the number of filesystems on
> # each host; a negative number will be taken as an absolute total time-out.
> # The default is 5 minutes per filesystem.
> #dtimeout 1800    # number of idle seconds before a dump is aborted.
> dtimeout 3600    # number of idle seconds before a dump is aborted.
> ctimeout 30      # maximum number of seconds that amcheck waits
>                  # for each client host
> holdingdisk hd1 {
>     directory "/random/amandahold/hold"
> }
> holdingdisk hd2 {
>     directory "/random1/amanda/holdingdisk2"
> }
> define dumptype comp-tar {
>     program "GNUTAR"
>     compress fast
>     index yes
>     record yes  # Important! avoid interfering with production runs
> #   tape_splitsize 1 Gb
>     tape_splitsize 1024 mbytes
> #fallback_splitsize 512 MB 
>    fallback_splitsize 4096 MB 
>    split_diskbuffer "/random/buffer"
> }  
> define tapetype DVD_SIZED_DISK {
>     filemark 1 KB
>     length 10240 MB
> }
> monthlyfull amanda.conf
> inparallel 5
> maxdumps 5
> dumpcycle 30 days
> runspercycle 30 
> tapecycle 20 
> runtapes 9 
> dumpuser "amanda"
> tpchanger "chg-disk"                            # a virtual tape changer
> tapedev "file:/bk/location/amanda/vtapes/monthlyfull/slots"
> changerfile "/opt/csw/etc/amanda/monthlyfull/changerfile"
> labelstr "MF-.*"
> #label_new_tapes "PLUTO-%%"
> autolabel "MF-%%"
> tapetype DVD_SIZED_DISK
> logdir "/opt/csw/etc/amanda/monthlyfull"
> infofile "/opt/csw/etc/amanda/monthlyfull/curinfo"
> indexdir "/opt/csw/etc/amanda/monthlyfull/index"
> tapelist "/opt/csw/etc/amanda/monthlyfull/tapelist"
> #etimeout 600     # number of seconds per filesystem for estimates.
> etimeout 3600     # number of seconds per filesystem for estimates.
> #etimeout -600   # total number of seconds for estimates.
> # a positive number will be multiplied by the number of filesystems on
> # each host; a negative number will be taken as an absolute total time-out.
> # The default is 5 minutes per filesystem.
> #dtimeout 1800    # number of idle seconds before a dump is aborted.
> dtimeout 3600    # number of idle seconds before a dump is aborted.
> ctimeout 30      # maximum number of seconds that amcheck waits
>                  # for each client host
> holdingdisk hd1 {
>     directory "/random/amandahold/hold"
> }
> holdingdisk hd2 {
>     directory "/random1/amanda/holdingdisk2"
> }
> define dumptype comp-tar {
>     program "GNUTAR"
>     compress fast
>     index yes
>     record yes  # Important! avoid interfering with production runs
> #   tape_splitsize 1 Gb
>     tape_splitsize 1024 mbytes
> #fallback_splitsize 512 MB 
>    fallback_splitsize 4096 MB 
>    split_diskbuffer "/random/buffer"
> }  
> define tapetype DVD_SIZED_DISK {
>     filemark 1 KB
>     length 10240 MB
> }
> weeklyfull/slots space usage
> du -hk *
>    1K   data
>   10G   slot1
>  370M   slot2
>  5.1G   slot3
>  5.1G   slot4
>  1.7G   slot5
>  1.7G   slot6
>   33K   slot7
>   33K   slot8
>   33K   slot9
> monthlyfull/slots space usage
> du -hk *
>   10G   slots/slot1
>   10G   slots/slot2
>   10G   slots/slot3
>   10G   slots/slot4
>   10G   slots/slot5
>  9.2G   slots/slot6
>   10G   slots/slot7
>  2.9G   slots/slot8
>   10G   slots/slot9
>  6.0G   slots/slot10
>  6.4G   slots/slot11
>   10G   slots/slot12
>  2.3G   slots/slot13
>   10G   slots/slot14
>  8.1G   slots/slot15
>  8.4G   slots/slot16
>   33K   slots/slot17
>   33K   slots/slot18
>   33K   slots/slot19
>   33K   slots/slot20
>  133G   slots
> I haven't provided disklist file for both backup types. However, if needed I 
> can give you that or anything else.
> I wonder what I can do to fill up these tapes to the full. May be use 
> 'flush-threshold-dumped, flush-threshold-scheduled, or taperflush ' as they 
> mentioned here 
> http://wiki.zmanda.com/index.php/How_To:Delay_writing_to_tape_for_better_tape_utilization
> +----------------------------------------------------------------------
> |This was sent by upendra.gan...@gmail.com via Backup Central.
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   Brian R Cuttler                 brian.cutt...@wadsworth.org
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   Wadsworth Center                (f) 518 473-6384
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