On Jul 18, 2014, at 1:53 PM, Joi L. Ellis <jlel...@pavlovmedia.com> wrote:

> Don't forget to check the logs on the server and the client, see 
> /var/log/Amanda/*, find the newest files in there and see what they say.

do a  locate    (or a find /  -iname “*am*”  )   to find your amanda logs.

Joi  puts his in  /var/log/Amanda   apparently.
I have mine  in   /tmp/amanda   — which I *think*  is the default,  but who 

Some of the logs start with   “amandad.”  some are “amrecover”  (since you’ve 
got THAT working,  you can look where THOSE
logs get put).  Some start with   “selfcheck”  but those are the ones you 
aren’t reaching yet.

Deb Baddorf

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