On Thu, Nov 08, 2018 at 15:21:00 -0500, Chris Nighswonger wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 8, 2018 at 1:56 PM Cuttler, Brian R (HEALTH) <
> brian.cutt...@health.ny.gov> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Your syntax
> >
> >
> >
> > fileserver "/netdrives/CAMPUS/af" "/netdrives/CAMPUS" {
> >   comp-tar
> >   include "./[a-f]*"
> >   estimate server
> > }
> >
> Well, this fixes my problem, though why I do not know.
> fileserver CAMPUS_a-f /netdrives/CAMPUS {
>   comp-tar
>   exclude file "./[g-z]*"
>   estimate server
> } 1
> It seems a bit of work compared to the include directive. I tried "include
> file" to no avail.

I haven't quite followed this whole thread, either, but have you taken a
look at 
? It may help explain some of the nuances in how things work.

As Stefan mentioned, it would be helpeful to know what amanda version
you are using, and which dump program.  If your client supports it,
using APPLICATION amgtar (rather than GNUTAR) is definitely a good idea.  

But, especially if you are using GNUTAR, an important thing to keep in
mind is that the exclude list is processed by passing the whole list
using an --exclude option to GNU tar, which then processes that list as
it does the dump -- while in contrast the "include" options are
processed ahead of time by Amanda to build a list of directories to pass
on the command line (thus making up tar's list of "what should I be
backing up"?).  The tricky thing is that the tar process runs with root
priviledge, so it can see any directory out there... but the "include"
work is done by an unprivileged process and so the directory *above* the
include pattern must be readable by the amanda user...

So, what are the permissions on the /netdrives/CAMPUS/ directory itself?


Nathan Stratton Treadway  -  natha...@ontko.com  -  Mid-Atlantic region
Ray Ontko & Co.  -  Software consulting services  -   http://www.ontko.com/
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