On Wednesday 20 March 2019 12:13:54 Dustin J. Mitchell wrote:

> Random thoughts from a former developer and Zmanda employee, and OSS
> enthusiast at Mozilla.
> As you've said, forking is cheap and easy and easily reversed. 
> Sometimes the mere use of the term stirs the idle to action, but it
> seems that has not happened in this case.  So I'd say, fork away. 
> `amanda-backup` might be a good github org name.  While I don't have
> time to hack on Amanda anymore, I'd be willing to help with mechanics
> and administration if it's useful.
> If that fork is successful, we'd need to do some administrative
> organizing to ensure that we speak with one voice and that a release
> can be considered to come from "Amanda Developers" and not one
> person's whim.  And probably to set expectations for maintenance of
> the project.  That will end up being quite a bit of work, so it might
> be a good idea to get some public commitment from several people
> before pulling the cord.
> Dustin
> P.S. Having worked with JLM for a while, I can say he's a very private
> person and may not want to share whatever personal circumstances have
> caused him to stop contributing.  Not having his input is a loss for
> the project, but I doubt he's being silenced.

The sudden silence from JLM did beg for the question to be asked, and I'm 
fairly famous for that, so it was mentioned.  I hope you are well these 
days Dustin. I had to have a pacemaker installed back in January. I 
guess its a sign of the 84 years that makes me the resident old fart on 
some lists.

Take care.

Copyright 2019 by Maurice E. Heskett

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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