On Monday 25 March 2019 02:40:56 pm Stefan G. Weichinger wrote:

> Am 20.03.19 um 18:53 schrieb Gene Heskett:
> > The sudden silence from JLM did beg for the question to be asked,
> > and I'm fairly famous for that, so it was mentioned.  I hope you are
> > well these days Dustin. I had to have a pacemaker installed back in
> > January. I guess its a sign of the 84 years that makes me the
> > resident old fart on some lists.
> And you are still welcome as an outstanding amanda user for years now
> ;-)
> best wishes for your heart, btw
> -

Well, I have now updated my main machine, and the amanda server to 
stretch, and updated to latest. But no version of amanda I have will 
build on stretch.

Betsol has put up paywalls at zmanda so theres no source available there.

> aside from that I'd like to keep the latest discussion alive.
> In some off-list emails the suggestion came up to prepare a
> github-repository forked off
> https://github.com/zmanda/amanda

So I dlded the amanda-master.zip from git-hub, but it will not register 
me because my email is already taken, and its the only one I have. I am 
a member at another project but its never sent me an email yet in the 
time since git-hub started. It seems nitros9 now has repos several 
places besides the hg based one I used for years. Nitros9 is what became 
of an aftermarket os for the trs-80 Color Computer, and now can be run 
on dragons too, which is the japanese version of the "coco" with a 
parport the coco doesn't have.  Modeled on unix w/o all the security 
stuff, nitros9 in the early days, is the main reason I've only owned a 
windows machine for about a month, which got wiped and mandrake 
installed when I found the windows drivers for its broadcom radio 
couldn't run the radio card in it.  So I really am a windows dummy. To 
me, windows IS a virus, to be medicated with a drive wipe and linux 

Anyway, I'll soon find out if this zip will build on debian stretch.

More later, probably with some invective...
> (there are many: https://github.com/zmanda/amanda/network/members)
> *plus* the patches since early 2018 which only landed in
> sourceforge-svn:
> https://sourceforge.net/p/amanda/code/7719/log/?path=
> -
> I am currently trying to come up with that ... a bit of tooling around
> with "git svn" etc
> Any help welcome here.
> Based on that we would be able to merge some of the pull-requests
> filed here:
> https://github.com/zmanda/amanda/pulls
> if they are filed against the new repo again.
> And from there maybe roll some beta-tarballs and solve some issues:
> https://github.com/zmanda/amanda/issues
> I'd also suggest to move *some* of the bug-related threads over into
> github-Issue-threads then. IMO it's easier then to exactly relate the
> communications to the exact lines and patches in the code etc / but
> that's a detail for the future already.
> -
> The main question is if there are any amanda-hackers left here who are
> knowing the code well enough to take over the dev-work ... and want to
> contribute.
> So far JLM has stayed quiet for a year or so, we don't know.
> @JL: if you read this (I am quite sure), please know that we all
> appreciate your work done for this project and would like to at least
> read that you are doing well.
> Even better (for amanda) it would be if you could contribute again or
> help others to take over.
> -
> Maybe we just do what @Betsol (1) was waiting for: taking up the work
> ...
> I don't know.
> Just be assured that I would like to keep on contributing docs,
> questions, testing and maybe some organization work.
> Looking forward to any suggestions etc
> Stefan
> (1) ashwin.kris...@betsol.com  in CC: , just in case.

Copyright 2019 by Maurice E. Heskett
Cheers, Gene Heskett
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