There we go!  Debian 9.0 looks good to me.

% bash autogen && ./packaging/deb/buildpkg

and then [magic happens] ....

~/src/amanda #0$0 [..manda:3_5[origin/3_5:+4]]@DEB9$ ls -l *.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 hassell hassell 1298368 May  7 16:10 
-rw-r--r-- 1 hassell hassell  101746 May  7 16:10 
-rw-r--r-- 1 hassell hassell 2085204 May  7 16:10 
-rw-r--r-- 1 hassell hassell  140150 May  7 16:09 
~/src/amanda #0$0 [..manda:3_5[origin/3_5:+4]]@DEB9$

I'll stick my neck out and leave the changes on 3_5.  Not on master ... but 
they should work for you.

% apt-get install ca-certificates xinetd perl gettext bsd-mailx dpkg-dev \
                debhelper dump gnuplot-nox libtool mtx smbclient \
                libcurl4-gnutls-dev libncurses5-dev libreadline-dev libssl-dev \
                docbook-xsl swig xsltproc

That's the sum-total after a pretty clean (after installing 'konsole') install 
of debian 9.  Let me know if your mileage fails to vary from 0.

    -- CH

On 5/6/19 2:06 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:

Chris, glad to here it. First, you won't find docs because the configure
script in 3.5.1 is busted, welded solid to docbook-sxml 1.24 and it
hasn't even existed in a debian install for a decade. Stephan and I have
both tried to fix it. look at about line 4520, I can't read it all that
well because of a crappy choice in highlight colors my fav editor uses.
But ANAICT the text there freezes the version it will accept while the
text of the failure reports >=1.22. Doesn't make any diff because that
particilar file doesn't exist in debian.

Now, I'll unpack the zip if its not protected, that I managed to coax out
of git-hub this morning. BRB. My gawd, unpacked its 20 megs! and its
taking mc a while to copy it to /home/amanda/amanda-master in this new
install. Done. Now I note there is not a "configure" but there is
an "autogen", so I assume (theres that word again) that will make us
look like idiots.  The next thing I note is that its all owned by
root:root which is typical of useing a root session of mc to unpack a
damned zip. We DON'T have this problem with tar.gz's so thats strike
one. Since we usually build it as the amanda user in home amanda, just
more of my local security. We normally chown -R amanda:amanda as the
next step. Done.  Next is "cp ../ ."
Done. drives the configure script, but there isn't one.  Study up
on "autogen" and await your reply.

Is there anything I need to know before I invoke it?

Copyright 2019 by Maurice E. Heskett
Cheers, Gene Heskett

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