Am 20.03.19 um 18:53 schrieb Gene Heskett:

> The sudden silence from JLM did beg for the question to be asked, and I'm 
> fairly famous for that, so it was mentioned.  I hope you are well these 
> days Dustin. I had to have a pacemaker installed back in January. I 
> guess its a sign of the 84 years that makes me the resident old fart on 
> some lists.

And you are still welcome as an outstanding amanda user for years now ;-)

best wishes for your heart, btw


aside from that I'd like to keep the latest discussion alive.

In some off-list emails the suggestion came up to prepare a
github-repository forked off

(there are many:

*plus* the patches since early 2018 which only landed in sourceforge-svn:


I am currently trying to come up with that ... a bit of tooling around
with "git svn" etc

Any help welcome here.

Based on that we would be able to merge some of the pull-requests filed

if they are filed against the new repo again.

And from there maybe roll some beta-tarballs and solve some issues:

I'd also suggest to move *some* of the bug-related threads over into
github-Issue-threads then. IMO it's easier then to exactly relate the
communications to the exact lines and patches in the code etc / but
that's a detail for the future already.


The main question is if there are any amanda-hackers left here who are
knowing the code well enough to take over the dev-work ... and want to

So far JLM has stayed quiet for a year or so, we don't know.

@JL: if you read this (I am quite sure), please know that we all
appreciate your work done for this project and would like to at least
read that you are doing well.

Even better (for amanda) it would be if you could contribute again or
help others to take over.


Maybe we just do what @Betsol (1) was waiting for: taking up the work ...

I don't know.

Just be assured that I would like to keep on contributing docs,
questions, testing and maybe some organization work.

Looking forward to any suggestions etc


(1)  in CC: , just in case.

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