On Wednesday 26 June 2019 17:54:12 Nathan Stratton Treadway wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 25, 2019 at 03:45:15 -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > I tried to run amrecover on picnc, but was NAK'd at every step. 
> > This even though I have added the root line to
> > /var/backups/.amandahosts.
> (Like so many aspects of Amanda, it's very likely possible to get
> amrecover working on picnc -- but that's a whole separate discussion,
> and since you have already retrieved the files you needed, I don't
> know how worthwhile it is to go down that road at this point....)
> > So I located the last full which was on the 16th, and using the
> > usual dd if=/path/to/file._.0 bs=32k skip-1 | gzip -d | tar x -
> > command, unpacked it to some spare space on the /amandatapes drive,
> > then copied what I needed from that tree to
> > /home/gene/linuxcnc/transfer-dir,
> The goal of my earlier message was just to point out that running
> amrecover into a temporary working directory on the server is a middle
> ground.  With that approach, you let Amanda (via "amrecover") manage
> all the inventory-of-dumps tracking and unpacking of the files
> (including the possibility of limiting the unpacking to only the
> particular subdirectories you care about)... but without the need to
> worry about setting anything up on the client side.
> (Obviously since you are skipping the client side setup you do still
> need to copy the recovered files from the server over to the client,
> but that process would be identical to what you just did above, just
> starting with the directory tree created my amrecover instead of the
> one created by "tar x".)
> But hey, if you don't mind building the dd/gzip/tar command pipeline
> yourself, that certainly gets the job done too :)
>                                                       Nathan
Just one big horsefly sized bug in following the directions in that files 
header. The last argument to tar was a 4 char string I've never seen 
before, and I watched it grind away at 100% of a random core for about 
an hour before I gave it a ctrl-c. Quit instantly and did no damage, so 
I up-arrowed and edited that string to just an x >picnic-slash.

Since it was a good sized file, that also took a while, but gave me a 
filesystem I could walk thru to what I needed, and copy it out. And once 
I had the output, the rest was think, faster.  But while I did get it, I 
feel like I should have been able to do it with amrecover. And I'm less 
than pleased.  That _is what amrecover is for_  is it not?

Thanks Nathan.

> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>------ Nathan Stratton Treadway  -  natha...@ontko.com  -  Mid-Atlantic
> region Ray Ontko & Co.  -  Software consulting services  -  
> http://www.ontko.com/ GPG Key:
> http://www.ontko.com/~nathanst/gpg_key.txt   ID: 1023D/ECFB6239 Key
> fingerprint = 6AD8 485E 20B9 5C71 231C  0C32 15F3 ADCD ECFB 6239

Copyright 2019 by Maurice E. Heskett
Cheers, Gene Heskett
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