On Thu, Jun 27, 2019 at 16:38:25 -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Thursday 27 June 2019 14:22:05 Debra S Baddorf wrote:
> > Amrecover  on picnc didn???t work, so you went straight to dd.
> > (Well, I frequently use dd too, but:  )
> > Did you try amrecover  on the server node?   Start yourself in a temp
> > area, amrecover  <config>,
> > set host  picnc
> > setdisk   <whatever>      (  /  was it?)
> > cd  one dir at a time.
> > extract
> > edit and copy files to client as needed

> I expect, but wasn't thinking of that, but I think amrecover could 
> probably have dumped the whole dle to some scratch space right on the 
> same drive, doing essentially what I did. 

Deb didn't mention the "add" step explicitly in her overview, but she
hinted at one big benefit of using amrecover: it lets you select just
the specific files you want to restore (baseed on the files-dumped index
it keeps, as made available by the "index server").

Presumably decovering these particular files is water under the bridge
now, but just to give a more concrete example, you could done something
along these lines:

gene@coyote:~$ mkdir recoverytemp
gene@coyote:~$ cd recoverytemp
gene@coyote:~/recoverytemp$ sudo amrecover Daily
[sudo] password for gene:
AMRECOVER Version 3.5.1.git.19364c7b. Contacting server on coyote ...
220 coyote AMANDA index server (3.5.1.git.19364c7b) ready.
Setting restore date to today (2019-06-24)
200 Working date set to 2019-06-24.
200 Config set to Daily.
200 Dump host set to coyote.
Use the setdisk command to choose dump disk to recover
amrecover> sethost picnc
200 Dump host set to picnc.
amrecover> setdisk /
200 Disk set to /.
amrecover> setdate --06-08
200 Working date set to 2019-06-08.
amrecover> cd /home/pi/linuxcnc
amrecover> ls
amrecover> add configs
Added dir /home/pi/linuxcnc/configs/ at date 2019-06-08-hh-mm-ss
amrecover> add nc_files
Added dir /home/pi/linuxcnc/nc_files/ at date 2019-06-08-hh-mm-ss
amrecover> list
TAPE Daily:<TapeLabel>:<NN> LEVEL 0 DATE 2019-06-08-hh-mm-ss
amrecover> extract

At that point amrecover should (after prompting you to make sure the
specific "tape" is available) proceed to find the vtape with the desired
label and then extract just the two requested subdirectories (leaving
the recovered directories trees underneath the current local directory,
i.e. ~/recoverytemp).

Note that because I "cd" into the recoverytemp directory before I start
amrecover, and because I know that is an empty directory created just
for this purpose, I don't have to worry about "lcd" or anything once
inside amrecover; I only have to worry about finding/adding the files
that I want to recover.

Also note that "ls" shows the files found in the current "virtual"
directory (based on the index), while "list" shows the
files/subdirectories which have been queued for extraction.

(Obviously I contructed the top and bottom parts of of that transcript
by hand, based on the contents of your earlier emails; they might not be
exactly correct, but hopefully it is close enough to see what I mean.)

> And I still would have had to copy what I wanted to an intermediate
> location where I could change the perms back to the target machine,
> then put then back where they belonged.

(Right, the transfer-the-recovered-files-to-the-client-machine work
would be exactly the same as what you did this time around.)


Nathan Stratton Treadway  -  natha...@ontko.com  -  Mid-Atlantic region
Ray Ontko & Co.  -  Software consulting services  -   http://www.ontko.com/
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