Il giorno gio, 02/07/2009 alle 15.18 +0200, Paolo Cavallini ha scritto:
> Roland Kays ha scritto:
> > Hi, I'm working on some GPS data at 15min intervals.  I'd like to take any 
> > consecutive locations that are closer than GPS error (say 25m) and average 
> > them together to get one location for all time steps.  For example, when an 
> > animal is resting in a tree for an hour the locations might still bounce 
> > around due to GPS error.  
> Hi Roland.
> Sounds very easy to do with a python plugin for QGIS instead.

Hi Roland, Paolo,

maybe it is better to include that feature directly in adehabitat code -
personally I'd like to have it available in a pure R environment. There
would be always room to integrate it in a python plugin for QGIS.

best regards,


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