Il giorno gio, 02/07/2009 alle 15.37 +0200, Paolo Cavallini ha scritto:
> Anne Ghisla ha scritto:
> > maybe it is better to include that feature directly in adehabitat code -
> > personally I'd like to have it available in a pure R environment. There
> > would be always room to integrate it in a python plugin for QGIS.
> It's a matter of individual preferences: most users are not brave enough
> to use R, that's why I suggested the py approach, which is also cheaper BTW.
> An indeed, using R for such a simple task is really overkill here.

Sorry, I should have misunderstood the case then. Clearly it depends on
which program/language is more comfortable for anyone.
I was just pointing out that if the main code is in R and embedded in a
python plugin, adding this feature as Python code "on the top of the
stack" won't be of any use for R users - except for Clément or someone
else that will port it into adehabitat.

If it is not the case and the sw preference is not decided, then maybe a
pure python/whatever script is good enough.

my 2 cents.

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