Your explanation is very clear and better than what I  had proposed. 
I'll check out mindistkeep 

>>> <> 7/2/2009 9:58 AM >>>
Hello Roland,

Roland Kays writes:
 > Hi, I'm working on some GPS data at 15min intervals.  I'd like to
 > take any consecutive locations that are closer than GPS error (say
 > 25m) and average them together to get one location for all time
 > steps.  For example, when an animal is resting in a tree for an
 > the locations might still bounce around due to GPS error.   
 > I just ran through the adehabitat trajectory tools and didn't see
 > anything in there - any other suggestions?

Actually, there is a function to deal with such cases in adehabitat:
the function mindistkeep. This function does not return the
average position, but the first position of the animal during the
"resting period" (that is, if the distance between relocation i and
i+1 is not greater than the threshold, the program keeps the
coordinates of the relocation i for the time i+1). 

When I programmed this function, it appeared to me difficult to
provide a general function returning the *average* relocation when the
distance between relocations is below a threshold. Indeed, to program
such a function, we should be able to identify clear trajectory
segments in which *all* the between-relocations distances (distance
(i, i+1), (i, i+2), (i, i+3), (i+2, i+1), etc.) are below the
threshold. So that the relocations to be averaged could be clearly
defined. In many cases, the limit is not that clear: think about an
animal foraging very slowly, moving at a speed lower than the speed
that could be detected when considering only consecutive
relocations: in such cases, the distance between the 
relocation at time i+1 and relocation i may be below the threshold,
and similarly for the distance (i+1, i+2), (i+2, i+3), but this
movement could result into a distance (i, i+3) much greater than the
threshold... How to compute the average in such cases? 

The function mindistkeep transform the relocations 

i, i+1, i+2, i+3, i+4

into the relocations 

i, i, i, i+3, i+3

* the distance (i, i+1) < threshold, 
* (i, i+2) < threshold
* (i, i+3) > threshold
* (i+3, i+4) < threshold

The algorithm is thus much clearer: it just consists of one rule: "the
current relocation is to be considered as such if the distance to the
previous one is greater than the threshold. Otherwise, consider that
the animal have not moved.".

Considering the average would be much more complicated: "the
current relocation is located at the average (of what? if the
relocations are clearly clustered below a given distance threshold
ok, but otherwise?) if the distance to the previous one is greater
than the threshold". 

I hope that these explanations are not to obscure... do not hesitate
to ask precisions, otherwise! 
All the best,


 > thanks
 > Roland
 > Roland Kays, Ph.D.
 > Curator of Mammals
 > New York State Museum
 > CEC 3140, Albany, NY 12230
 > 518-486-3205, Fax: 518-486-2034 
 > Research Lab:

 > Mammals Exhibit: 
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