In un messaggio del Thursday 02 July 2009, Roland Kays ha scritto:
> Hi, I'm working on some GPS data at 15min intervals.  I'd like to take any
> consecutive locations that are closer than GPS error (say 25m) and average
> them together to get one location for all time steps.  For example, when an
> animal is resting in a tree for an hour the locations might still bounce
> around due to GPS error.
> I just ran through the adehabitat trajectory tools and didn't see anything
> in there - any other suggestions? thanks

Two suggestions:
1) given that you have GPS data, a first solution could be to process 
incrementally time-adjacent fixes (say, in a while loop) and once a given 
threshold is reached (e.g. all the points examined are well under 15 m, or all 
the point fall insida a reasonably small time slot, or both...) do the 
I'm using such an approach (the while loop point accumulator, I mean) to 
preprocess data for a triangulation module we're deveolping here, if you want 
to have a peek at the code, you can access the svn repository at 

2) adehabitat ltraj class can be used to do some trajectory resampling: if 
you've managed to convert your data into a ltraj it should be easy to extract 
(resampling) some already averaged pseudo-locations

As you can see, I'm strongly biased towards R at present... like Python, it 
just works (and you _can_ go back to Pytho+Rpy to build some QGis interfaces).


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                -- Peter da Silva
Damiano G. Preatoni, PhD

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