
Manuel: If you have the dependencies you should be able to execute the
"Kernel Denisty Estimation" algorithm. You can do the following:

* Check that you have the "Advanced interface" selected in the
* Check that there is a Animove group. If it's not there, go to Processing
-> Configuration and in Providers, uncheck and check again Animove.
Sometimes the provider is Active but is not shown and this solves the
* If that does not work, check the Processing -> History and Log, clear it
and restart QGIS. Check again the Log and see if some info/error message

Giovanni: Maybe the pandas version does not match the version required by
statsmodels. You can try to do the following:

$ sudo pip install --upgrade pandas

before installing statsmodels. Maybe the --upgrade option has something to
do as well. The instructions provided here [1] worked for me in a clean
virtual machine with Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit and QGIS 2.0.1.



2014-02-28 15:27 GMT+01:00 Giovanni Manghi <giovanni.man...@faunalia.pt>:

> > NOTE: some of the bandwidth methods are only available with scipy 0.11
> > (custom bandwidth value) and statsmodels 0.5 (LSCV, maximum-likelihood
> > cross-validation).
> Hi Victor, what is the proper way to install statsmodels under Linux
> (Ubuntu)?
> I'm trying
> pip install statsmodels
> and keep getting
> ImportError: statsmodels requires pandas
> even if this is already installed.
> cheers!
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