
At 03:27 2001-12-08 -0800, Richard Roper wrote:

>It's of crucial importance at this time to realise
>what happened in Afghanistan for obvious reasons.
>I am amazed by this type of comment on this site.
>Jimmy Carter signed for large scale Covert Operations
>against Afghanistan on 3rd July 1979, six months
>before the intervention. This is all from the horse's
>mouth - Zbigniew Brisinski - who also wrote Carter a
>note on the same day saying it would produce Soviet
>We should also be aware of Krushchev's - essentially
>he was trying to do a deal economically with America -
>but this is far being "socio-imperialism".

So of course it was *Carter and Brezinski* (US)
who invaded Afghanistan in 1979, eventually had
100,000+ troops there, devastated large parts
of the country, forced some 5 millions to flee,
etc, etc, and "not" the Soviet social-imperialists!
Their scumbag oh-so-"communist" "friends", who
kept applauding this "brotherly help" had nothing
to do with this either, huh? Not one bit better than
the US ("traditionally"-)imperialist murderers are
those people; this it's imperative that everyone
sees today too.

Rolf M.

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