
to cube321

"  Good point. But, do educators necessarily act as "progaganda
organs" for the capitalist system? I can think of a handful of
teachers at my school -- particularly within the sociology and
women's studies department -- who do not (and my school is one
of the more conservative universities in Canada). "

Of course educators do not necessarily act as propaganda organs even though
most publicly funded schools do. Some are very open in this criticism - see
for examples Lies My Teacher Told Me - author of which is an educator. He
certainly speaks out against the standard story. Or Zinns History of the
American People.

Please recall the context of my original comment. Heather was taking
Gorbachev to task for being supported by blood money (which to my knowledge
he is not - his foundation being funded by his royalties and speech fees).
My comment was that since she was on the staff of a public school I would
not expect her to hold him to a higher standard than she set for herself.

In fact I have no problem with teachers - some of my best friends are
teachers (just couldn't resist).


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