In a message dated 1/12/02 10:10:17 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

a starting point - whether you favor
anyone from the set Stalin-Putin over Gorbachev?


Im also curious whether you view him as better or worse than Reagan, Bush,
Clinton, Bush, Thatcher, Blair.

He's friends with them now, isn't he? He's perfectly comfy with them. He is now one of them, but without a nation to rule. He gave his country to them. They liked that.  It fit nicely into their plans to own the vast resources of the USSR and to take the Third World without interference from pesky Revolutionaries who could get outside help.

Nothing wrong with helping a friend in need, is there? Sending tractors to Cuba, training African doctors in Bulgaria, providing military assistance to Vietnamese to help fight agaisnt the the nation that was trying to "bomb them back to the stone age?" That wasn't a good idea?

What is your vierw
on freedom and dignity during the Stalin - Brezhnev period?

Better than now.

And lastly - was it the obligation of the Russians to continue the struggle
for the rights of the people - when the people of all the wealthy countries
refused to help them?

Now whatever do you mean by this? That the people in the USSR should have refused to help the people in the Third World because  the people in the US etc weren't helping them???

The capitalist countries take the taxes of their peole and use them to oppress the people in the Third World. The people here think they are "helping" the people in Afghanistan by bombing them. They were told they were "helping" the Vietnamese, and the US government killed over 3 million people in that land, leaving 1/6 of the land with poisoned craters of the helping bombs.

People here were told we helped the Koreans, and 5 1/2 millions there were killed.  Anywhere the US bombs or sends in troops is called "helping." Read Felix Green's The Enemy. Read Bill Blum's Rogue State. READ EVERYTHING MICHAEL PARENTI EVER WROTE!!!

From your comments I gather you live in a country where people are allowed
to express negative opinions about their government.

Iam a citizen of the US; I will use my freedom of speech as long as I can. The Bush administration would use its Patriot Act to shut people up. It is important not to be afraid.  The movement is not. Perhaps some people here, or maybe most people here are fearful about using freedom of speech,  but I think that  self-defeating. It won't last.

I am part of the International Action Center. We have been "out there" expressing freedom of speech and opposing the policies of the state and federal governments for some time. There's something happening, and fearfulness about using one's freedom  is diminishing.

Richard. There is a foreign policy crisis. There is a world economic crisis. (now, heh heh, thanks to Enron, the Carlyle Group and Richard Butlerr and some dandy French writers) there's a Constitutional CrisisThe US is the superpower, but it is not invincible.

Stop fussing about "Stalin to Breznev." If you are alone, find yourself a movement. If you are really and genuinely held back by the issues you are asking me about, I think you will be stymied. That would be a shame, because everyone has to get a move on. Time's a-wasting.

My personality isn't very easily repressed. I tried. I was a child in the McCarthy era, and kept quiet, and many were silent and fearful. Now I am older and realize that fear and silence only allow the oppressors to triumph.

Your pal,
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