[According to reliable information released by the Tajikistan KGB, in 1986 headed by experts from the Central Intelligence Agency of the USA and participation of the intelligence agency of Saudi Arabia in conditions of extreme secrecy the heads of intelligence organisations of the Islamic parties of Afghanistan drafted [a plan] called the ''M Programme''. The aim of which was to destabilise the political and economic situation of the Central Asia and to spread Jihad ideas in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan and other republic of the region. In the ''M Programme'' much attention is paid to Islamise sections of the population on the basis of Wahhabi ideology, to provoke the feelings of discontent among Muslims against the Soviet system and finally to successed in (?positions) which in urgent conditions would serve the mojahedin as bases of support.]

Copyright 1990 The British Broadcasting Corporation  
BBC Summary of World Broadcasts

December 28, 1990, Friday


LENGTH: 2064 words


SOURCE: 'Jaranan-i Tajikistan' in Tajik 21 Nov 90

Excerpts from report

The present day life of the Soviet people, their work and practice and their desires and objectives would be impossible to imagine without using the word restructuring...

The USSR law ''on Public Associations'' is one of the important sucesses of the restructuring period. In the way of revolutionary transformations, which can be seen in our society, and particularly the adoption of the above mentioned law, which the esteemed readers are well aware of, the decision of the Tajik SSR Supreme Soviet dated 5th October 1990 ''on the letter of S. Gadayev, D. Ismailov and others'' might raise issues with people which makes it necessary to discuss and respond to their possible questions. As is known, according to the above-mentioned decision the establishment of the Islamic party in Tajikistan has been regard as unconstitutional and the petition of the organising group on convening the constituent conference of the party was turned down...

Letters sent by people and published in newspapers indicate that the above-mentioned decision enjoys the support of most of the inhabitants of the republic. Why is it that the people of the republic, the majority of whom are Muslims, regard the intention of establishing an Islamic party in Tajikistan as a serious threat, and are fearful that an Islamic regime could take them back one hundred years or more? Today almost everywhere the talk is about that threat which will not only harm democracy, openness and the true freedom of conscience, but in some cases people for the first time express apprehension about their future destiny and more so about the independence of the republic in terms of democracy and humane values. A question arises as to what extent the anxiety of people and of the Muslims towards the establishment of this ''party'' has a serious basis? Is organising an Islamic party the demand of Koran and Shariat?.. What aim will the formation of an Islamic party serve when in the period of restructuring in a short time more than 80 mosques were built and construction of dozens of places of prayers were undertaken with the support of government and which is firmly continuing? Do the people who have taken to the task of organising this party have considered the interests of true Islam? And does the establishment of the so-called ''Islamic Party of Tajikistan'' mainly by Avsamad Khimmatov (known as Mulla Sharif, Ordzhonikidzebad Rayon), Adzhik Aliyev (Kommunisti Rayon), Saidibrakhim Gadayev (Kulyab), Davlat Ismoilov (Dushanbe) and a few of their collegues, who have trampled upon the decision of the Tajik SSR Supreme Soviet, a mattar of accident?

From the day that the Tajik SSR Supreme Soviet examined this issue, people have once again realised that the supporters of Wahhabi ideology in the republic have now gone to offensive to revive the lost desires of the 1920s and establish the Islamic Republic of Tajikistan...

The Soviet Central Asia and the Muslims of Tajikistan in particular have always been at the centre of attention of ''Ikhvon-ul-Muslimin'' [Islamic Brotherhood] . Removal of the ''Iron Curtain'' and repeated occurences of national conflicts, which on occasions had religious roots, pleased the Ikhvonis. Acting on the basis of the slogan that ''disputes among the enemy is another success'', they sent a number of zealot Wahhabis in the guise of students to the republic [Tajikistan] ''to develop and strengthen cultural ties.'' The first thing the ''Talibilman'' [those seeking knowledge] did was to search for and exchange views and experiences with those Wahhabis who had earlier been praised and advised through radio ''Liberty''...

Certainly, the tragic Afghan revolution and the difficult internal situation in that country [Afghanistan] transformed those regions of common border with the USSR and in particular with Tajikistan, which are in the hands of the plundering Mojahedin, to centres of subversion against the Soviet state.

Armed with the most modern weaponry and years of military experience, the extremists have created serious threats and danger for the future of Tajikistan. At present, near our southern borders, especially opposite Kulyab and Kurganteppa oblasts, armed groups belonging to the two Islamic ''parties'' of Afghanistan are ''lying in wait'', so that after seizure of important positions in Badakhshan, Takhar and Kunduz provinces of Afghanistan would start caring for the Muslims of Tajikistan. According to accurate information, the leadership of the ''Jamiat-i Eslami-i Afghanistan'' [the Islamic Society of Afghanistan] and its armed activists, are determined to carry out their plans concerning Tajikistan. Ahmad Shah Masud, who is one of the leaders of this ''party'', for a long time now nurtures the start of Jihad in Tajikistan against the ''Kuffar'' [infidels] . The capture of dozens of Afghan extremists along our state borders, who have secretly crossed the Pandzh river and entred the territory of Tajikistan, is evidence to the fact that the leaders of ''Jamiat-i Eslami-i Afghanistan'' have certainly started action...

Espionage operations carried out by the plundering mojahedin from the ''Hezb-i Eslami-i Afghanistan'' [Islamic Party of Afghanistan] on the territory of Tajikistan (Kala-i Khumb, Leningrad and Pandzh Rayons), among other things, have resulted in the deaths of several soldiers from the Border Troops of the KGB. However, their efforts to enter the territory of the republic were foiled. All the subversive and bloody activities of both parties - ''Jamiat-i Eslami-i Afghanistan'' and ''Hezb-i Eslami-i Afghanistan'' - whether in their own country or on the territory of Tajikistan are being carried out in the name of Islam and for the sake of Islam... However, the point should be stressed that the above-mentioned Islamic parties act with direct support and leadership of the intelligence agencies of Pakistan and the USA.

According to reliable information released by the Tajikistan KGB, in 1986 headed by experts from the Central Intelligence Agency of the USA and participation of the intelligence agency of Saudi Arabia in conditions of extreme secrecy the heads of intelligence organisations of the Islamic parties of Afghanistan drafted [a plan] called the ''M Programme''. The aim of which was to destabilise the political and economic situation of the Central Asia and to spread Jihad ideas in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan and other republic of the region. In the ''M Programme'' much attention is paid to Islamise sections of the population on the basis of Wahhabi ideology, to provoke the feelings of discontent among Muslims against the Soviet system and finally to successed in (?positions) which in urgent conditions would serve the mojahedin as bases of support.

Wahhabis strongly believe that only by physical elimination of their ideological enemies and athiests and mass killings, it is possible to achieve the creation of a pure Islamic society on the basis of fundamentalists' theories.

In order to implement these plans, the deputy head of the ''Hezb-i Eslami-i Afghanistan'', Bashir (actual name Shahabidullah Sahibjan) in addition to carrying out terrorist operations in the territory of Soviet Tajikistan was assinged the task of organising and promotion of espionage activities...

As was reported in the media, the republican KGB in the second half of 1989 exposed and arrested a group of intelligence agents of Pakistan and ''Hezb-i Eslami-i Afghanistan''. The KGB knew beforehand that an enemy agent would be launched into the territory of Tajikistan by the above- mentioned organisations with the assumed name of ''Abdurakhman''. At the time of his entry to the Soviet territory from Afghanistan it was dicovered that ''Abdurakhman'' is Abdulkhamid Khemmatovich Davlatov, born 1956, previously resident of Dzhomr-i Poyan, Ordzhonikidzeabad Rayon, who has secretly escaped to Afghanistan in June 1988.

During investigations by the state security, it became known that ''Abdurakhman'' returned to Tajikistan with a special mission - to spread anti-Soviet literature and to encourage and propogate Holy War (Jihad) - against ''Kuffar''. To organise these operations, he has had instructions from Bashir plus R14,000 and a Chinese pistol with ammunition. After crossing the river Pandzh in Moskva Rayon and a brief stay there, he straight went to Kommunisti Rayon, Kurganteppa Oblast, to visit Abdulla Saidov (known as Mullah Abdulla), and had many hours of talks with him.

A few months have elapsed since Abdulkhamid Khemmatovich Davlatov was sentenced to eight years deprivation of liberty by the republic Supreme Court. However, a coincidence or another puzzle that on 6th October of the current year the constituent conference of ''Hezb-i Islami-i Tajikistan''[Islamic Party of Tajikistan] , which was convened illegally, elected the brother of the traitor to homeland - A. Kh. Davlatov - Avsamad Khimmatov (known as Mullah Sharif) as President (Amir) of the ''Hezb-i Islami-i Tajikistan''... The disease of Wahhabism spread in 1986 in Kurganteppa and Kulyab Oblasts and the city of Dushanbe and became an organised group. In accordance with Wahhabism ideology, Islamic revolution only takes place when 30 per cent of the population had been armed with its ideas. Therefore, they [Wahhabis] have shown a criminal interest in workers of the republican printing houses, thus printing books and pamphlates and disributing them among the population. Video tapes propogating religious fanaticism and militancy were shown to the (?public). Money collected from these activities were used to train students, provide expenses for propaganda of their ideology and providing educational equipment. In Dushanbe and Moscow towns they were also seeking foreigners whose objectives were also to see Wahhabis. In villages, struggle against communists and teachers, who were regarded as enemies, was intensified...

The Wahhabis in order to implement their plans have specified the directions to their operations, the main points of which are the following

- to study the political thinking of the intelligentsia and to recruit them.

- to co-operate with students of higher education institutions (colleges of Tajik philology, history, law and oriental languages) because the students studying in these branches have more chances of being sent abroad, and according to Wahhabis they can be useful to Ikhvonis.

- to establish contacts with employees of state bodies (Minstry of Internal Affairs, courts, procurators' office, labour reform institutions), so that in times of need they could call on their support.

- strong links with wealthy people and businessmen in order to obtain money from them for Jihad.

- extremely secret co-operations with hooligans and elements, who for a small sum of money would physically eliminate their ideological enemies and undesirable people.

- to campaign for becoming deputies and thus propogating fundamentalists' ideas using their mandates...

At the conclusion, it is necessary to stress the point that the appearance of fundamentalism in its most reactionary, middle ages form and armed with all methods, ways and means of achieving its objectives, and the recently illegal birth of the ''party'' wanting Islamic government in Tajikistan is without any doubt the result of extremely grave economic situation in the republic, low standard of living and the crisis of the ruling ideology. Such a specific danger of darkness, ignorance and return to feudalism would have never threatened a progressive society.

The Supreme Soviet, the republican government, the Communist Party and the healthy forces of the newly formed Democratic Party, who strive to strengthen and consolidate the Tajik State on the basis of democracy and progress, will without any doubt liberate the working people from the grave political-economic situation. For this, unity and steadfastness in work and practice are the main conditions. Fear of return to middle and dark ages threatens all the same all sections of the society, peasant and worker, students of schools and colleges, teachers and doctors, members of any party and non-party, official and unofficial organisations and worker of law enforcing bodies.

This field of struggle demands unity.

[Signed] Sunnatulla Ibrakhimzada.
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