> Capture the entire HTTP request that isn't logged,
 > using "tcpdump -s 2000 -w tcpdump.out port 80" or
 > similar. Give us a URL to download tcpdump.out
 > so we can examine it.


I typed in a url directly into IE and simply pressed ENTER.
Nothing in the access log and I had not previously viewed this
image.  When doing a forced refresh, the entry appeared.

I've had other users who there is no way possible they had viewed
an image prior to the moment, when the go to a URL it does not
appear in the access log.

I am in AIM as DanielStasinski if you want to do a live test.

Daniel P. Stasinski
Software Engineer
Mayor Pharmaceutical Laboratories

AOLserver - http://www.aolserver.com/

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