On Mon, 7 Feb 2005 16:13:53 -0500, Dossy Shiobara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Okay, this is good.  So, how do we define the vision?  I'm in favor of
> it being a shared vision between all the constituents of the AOLserver
> Community, which was my rationale behind the Steering Committee concept.
> Individuals from the community speak on behalf of users they represent
> and express what their needs are.  Someone (most likely me) will collate
> all of these needs into a cohesive vision which will guide the direction
> of the project.

It's obvious what the AOLserver community wants, the lists are here:
and here:

What hasn't been expressed is AOL's intentions.  Look, if the patches
which have been submitted are not suitable for the AOLserver project,
simply tell folks "thanks, but no thanks".

Six months ago, Dossy Shiobara <dossy <at> PANOPTIC.COM> wrote:
> Keep in mind that Jim is *extremely* busy.  Most likely, he'll tell me
> about changes he's working on and I'll be responsible for messaging out
> to the community about it, answering questions about his changes, etc.

Can't you just sit down and have lunch with the guy and ask him what's
up?  You expressed recently on #aolserver that you're aware of some
pending changes.  Is it top secret?

> What is the main reason why you use AOLserver?
> Perhaps it would be useful for everyone who uses AOLserver to write a
> single sentence or single paragraph that starts out with "I use
> AOLserver because ..."

You're having a laugh, right?  Can I send this directly to you
directly or should this pass through my official representative on the
AOLserver Vision Committee?

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