> - Add hooks to plugin alternate filesystems (Tcl VFS) so you can serve
>   stuff out of zipfiles, for example

This in on my wish list as well. It would make plug-in storage for tDAV much
easier. Right now tDAV cannot take advantage of fastpath since it makes
C calls to the filesystem (for obvious performance reasons, i think).

> - Improve Tcl integration so sourcing of code in one becomes
>   automagically available in other threads w/o much fuss (i.e.
>   much better ns_eval pendant). Perhaps my ttrace module may be
>   rewritten in C for better speed although I'm using the Tcl-pendant
>   for about a year w/o visible speed penalty and memory footprint
>   to about 1/3 of the initial.

Dave Bauer

AOLserver - http://www.aolserver.com/

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