On Tuesday 08 February 2005 06:20, Bernd Eidenschink wrote:

> * Having a 'real' config file with _all_ default values.
>   Maybe the current grep-thru-code way could somehow be simplified.

Check my new, 'complete' config file:
<http://rmadilo.com/m2/> starting at jnm.tcl
Config file is broken into different files, based on branching/repeated
In the example case, I have three virtual servers: jnm, configtest and cf2,
with jnm being the name of the 'main' or default server, although there isn't
supposed to be a default.
There are three nssock modules loaded and the three servers are spread among
these, I have nsdb support shown, and threadpools, nscgi and a tcl module.
The main config file is jnm.tcl here's the structure:
/web/m2/jnm.tcl <-- main config
           /nsdb-jnm.tcl <-- main nsdb for the jnm server
           /nsdb-jnm-pg.tcl <-- postgres db pool config
           /nsdb-jnm-pool[1-3].tcl <-- symlinks to nsdb-jnm-pg.tcl
           /servers/jnm/config/ <-- config directory for jnm
           /servers/jnm/config/server.tcl <-- main server config for jnm
           /servers/jnm/config/nslog.tcl <-- access log module configuration
           /servers/jnm/config/nscgi.tcl <-- module named nscgi config
           /servers/jnm/config/threadpool-fast.tcl <-- threadpool named fast
           /servers/jnm/config/module-name.tcl <-- for other modules

The scripts included try to be smart about loading virtual servers. First the
config files for the server are read. If there are simple syntax errors,
these are caught and the virtual server is removed from the list of servers.

Next successful servers are added to ns/servers and mapped to the nssocks.
If an nssock ends up with no virtual servers mapped, or the default virtual
server for that sock had an error, the nssock is not added, otherwise the
whole jnm server would fail to startup.

Successful nssocks are read into the configuation file.

It is easy to extend the functionality of this setup. Module maintainers can
simply add a single file, containing all the config parameters (if one is
needed). You just add the module name to the server.tcl file for the virtual

NOTE: there is currently a bug in the virtual server loading. The nssock
section must contain a defaultserver parameter, or the nssock, and the whole
server fail to start (This is by design, and is correct). However, only the
defaultserver of the last registered nssock is used. That is, one virtual
server serves as the default virtual server for every nssock, even if there
were never any maps to that virtual server in the nssockX/servers section.

NOTE2: users of virtual servers running 4.0.8 or 4.0.9 should upgrade to
4.0.10, due to a DOS bug. If you need info, email me directly.

> * Altering pageroot depending on HTTP host header

Should require one new api call, oh, and why not allow threadpools to operate
on this info as well? As a fast workaround, chechout ns_rewriteurl, you can
map within the server pageroot. Although this sounds not that good, since the
actual pageroot might look like:
You can 'disable' the main, or non-matching host header by having a default
mapping, i.e. you could never reach /pages/.

> plus
>   dis-allowing any adp/tcl funcionality for these pageroots
>   on a file level (no interpretation) as an option
> * Server-wide shared variables

Maybe we can get AOL to release the PROXY support which has a 'specialized
tclsh', probably requires all this and more. Although Rob Mayoff's threadpool
module seems great, I believe the threads are clones of the server they run
in, thus they could be fat. If virtual servers could communicate to each
other (on a publish/subscribe basis), just about any smallish server could be
used, but I suspect the PROXY module used by AOL has even more useful

> * Up-to-date patches for PHP (...) integration
> * Some kind of watchdog functionality
Actually only a built in module would work very well, and fast. Every solution
I've seen is a true hack, which is why it needs to be in core.

tom jackson

AOLserver - http://www.aolserver.com/

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