Am 26.05.2005 um 12:53 schrieb Andrew Piskorski:

Well, Zoran, you're looking at the code and I'm not, but none of that
seems to jive with what Jeff H. has said before.  So if you are
serious about maybe working on this stuff (yeah!), I recommend talking
to him and getting lots more details...

The Tcl_CloneInterp() is just as simple as:

  walk over the namespaces
    get all procs/commands
      copy them to target interp (copy clientData ptr of commands)
    get all vars
      copy them to target (sharing instead of deep-copying Tcl_Objs)

and some other small plumbing here/there (errorInfo, errorCode, math
It is really no rocket science.

The clientData ptr copy is a problem. This is not solvable w/o
redefining the Tcl command struct to hold the clientDataDup call.
The sharing instead of deep-copying Tcl_Objs is MT-issue which can
be solved generally by getting the string rep of the Tcl_Obj and
copying the string rep only but maintaining the object type.

As you see, this is nothing very fancy. Yet, I doubt it will be
acceptable speedwise, being it in C or not.

Again, if people are willing to change the *model* of the app
(never use global/namespace vars w/o proc-wrappers, never have
those wrappers *modify* master-interp data, etc) then all sorts
of things can be arranged. I'm not that convinced that this all
is worth doing *now*, although I must say if I'm about to make this
from *scratch*, then I'd do it this way.


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