* Dossy Shiobara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [050825 17:00]:
> On 2005.08.25, Jim Davidson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Dynamic link is best -- there was a lot of effort recently to get all  
> > that working right recently, with modules as small stubs that call  
> > into the dll's located in the lib/ directory and such.
> > 
> > On Aug 25, 2005, at 10:00 AM, Olaf Mersmann wrote:
> > 
> > >Another issue I am undecided on is wether to link statically or
> > >dynamically to packages like OpenSSL und SQLite which will also be
> > >included.
> I think Olaf's question isn't about how to build the AOLserver modules,
> but the third-party libraries that they depend on (OpenSSL, SQLite,
> etc.).

Right. That's what I was asking about and I tend to favor dynamic
linking too. Since we cannot avoid either -rpath or LD_* we might as
well link as much as possible dynamically.

> i.e., when building nsopenssl, do you statically or dynamically link in
> the OpenSSL libs to make distribution and version management safer?

OpenSSL is an edge case where I've opted to link staically since
according to the release notes for OpenSSL synamic linking is
currently considered experimental.

-- Olaff

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