On 11 Aug 00 at 10:28, Bob V wrote:

>>Anyone have luck checking local Goodwills and other second hand stores?

Our local Goodwill does not have any computer stuff. I think that is 
handled at another location. The local Salvation Army Thrift Store 
has computer stuff and I have gotten a few good buys there in the 
past, but mostly they price their stuff too high, IMO. Garage and 
yard sales have been pretty fruitful for my hardware/software needs.

>>found a whole cart full of computers and parts for $20.  Needless to say I
>>quickly snatched it up ;).  I got a 486, 286 a few monitors (SVGA, VGA, and
>>CGA, one of each actually).  The 486 was nicely equiped with CD and SB16. 
>>The SVGA monitor was 20"!  It makes me kind of wonder why they were donated,
>>but I'm glad that they were.
>>Note: Not everyhing worked perfectly, I had to throw away the VGA monitor
>>for a bad tube and the image on the 20" seems to move up and down now, but
>>it was ok when I first bought it.  Anyone know what could cause this?

I have a friend who restores castoff PCs for free distribution to
children of families without the financial ability to buy them and
he repairs a lot of stuff, even down to component level. I give him a 
lot of stuff that is not working and even if he cannot repair it, it 
can provide parts (especially monitors) to repair other castoffs.

Dale Mentzer

I'm not tense, just terribly alert.

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