On Fri, 11 Aug 2000 16:59:10, Dale Mentzer wrote:

> An excellent source of vintage hardware and even some pretty new
> stuff. My SIS PCI video card on my P75 machine was a dumpster find
> and it works fine. Only thing I can figure is that with 1 meg RAM
> they did not think it had any value. I recently acquired a Trident
> PCI card that would only operate for maybe a minute (the Trident chip
> got very hot). I took the 1 meg RAM off the board (I have access to
> surface mount desoldering station at work) and installed it in the
> sockets of the SIS card and, voila, it now has 2 megs. The lesson:
> don't throw the bad stuff away without first considering it's value
> for repair/upgrade discrete components.

> Regards,
> Dale Mentzer

An excellent example! Here (as perhaps many places?) there are very few
computers being trashed. I-net didn't take off until recently, so most
leftovers are from offices (like this box!). I wonder if there are
any dealers of obsolete parts... Its easier to mail away for a triode,
op-amp or resistance network than to find cache SRAMS!

                       - Pete Randolph -
                 - Morristown Corners, Vermont -

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