On Nov 7, 2007 8:00 PM, Aaron Griffin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Nov 7, 2007 2:27 AM, DaNiMoTh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I hope this never happen; I love arch as is.
> > A stable / conservative branch will only steal time of devs.
> > It's better use 100% of our forces to improve core, extra and
> > community and packages contained in these.
> >
> > Oh, all things IMHO :)
> This is the only sense spoken in the rest of this thread. The rest is
> whining "I think this should be done and everyone else should do it
> for me"
> If you don't like the way things are done, do it differently yourself.

I think the other issue that has been brought up is that Arch is a
tool (IMO a very good one) among many; I don't understand the push for
monoculture in Linux distros, or in software in general.  I think
Gentoo (I'm a happy ex-gentooer myself) has a lot going for it, but
it's not quite the tool I'm looking for, nor is *Ubuntu or BSD.  Arch
the way it is right now is the perfect tool for me.  If my needs
change, Debian, Slack or SuSE might be the tool I need.

If stable and conservative is your primary goal, you might want a
different tool.  It doesn't make you a bad person, or arch a bad
distro.  If I need to pull a nail, I shouldn't complain because my
screw driver doesn't have a nail-pulling attachment; I should go get a
claw hammer.  I'm very wary of multipurpose things; a good tool isn't
made better by making it do more things, or using it for things it
wasn't meant to do.

I hope I'm not coming off as confrontational, I just get frustrated by
the "one distro to rule them all" search.

Ryan W Sims

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