I think this group has been catering to an increasingly diverse 
audience over the years. And passion for Rahman's music being one of 
the primary motivations of joining it, it is only natural that 
naysayers and  critics will find the going tough. If we are truly 
mature about it though, I think critics could choose to ignore the 
venting of ardent fans, and vice-versa. Moreover, if it be held that 
the quality and nature of reviews have gone down, the quality of 
criticism hasn't been all that stellar either. Single-liners saying 
"the music sucks" don't cut as cricism. But the reverse "mind-
blowing, 10/10" is perfectly acceptable I think cos the name of this 
group veritably is "arrahmanfans". No further explanation required as 
to why you love it. Critiques are always welcome but be prepared for 
brickbats and venomous, at times, unreasoned and illogical rebuttals. 
That is the right of fans isnt't it? :)

But I do miss swapnil's reviews. Rahman's creations of the past five 
years are more than deserving of them aren't they? ;)

--- In arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com, V S Rawat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 7/18/2008 8:26 PM India Time, _Vinayakam Murugan_ wrote:
> > Is it a prerequisite that members here should be ARR fans only. I 
> > proud to say that I am a fan of ARR, RD Burman, OP Nayyar, SD 
> > Ilayaraja, MS Vishwanathan, MadanMohan, Vishal Bharadwaj, 
Shankar / 
> > Ehsaan / Loy , Colonial Cousins, Kailasa, etc etc.
> > 
> Same here.
> how this list has lost its character in last 10 years. Now, it has 
> become mandatory to just praise ARR.
> Information is mostly being exchanged about ARR's trivia, whom he 
> where he went, what he did, what he said about someone, what 
> said about him.
> Apart from that, you are free to praise ARR endlessly.
> There is no real analysis of his music. reviews of music and movies 
> picked from the sites in dozens and hundreds and posted here. Any 
> reviewer having said the slightest negative thing about the music 
> painted "he is always like that".
> Members are posting not that many review and nowhere in that depth 
> members were posting 10 years ago. members reviews give 8+ or 9+ 
out of 
> 10 rating to each and every song. Any member saying a negative 
> about music is terms a Yuvan or Deva or IR's spy who came to 
> this forum.
> Anybody who has read Animal Farm by George Orwell might identify 
> changes in the nature of this list. Thank God that things have not 
> reached George Orwell's 1984 level.
> Seems more fresh air is needed here or there is no fun in remaining 
> -- 
> V

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