Yeah, we actually tried this little task with both a def file and an XML file 
created in the Admin tool from a packing list. No dice on either. It did work 
when I referenced a non-existent file at one point... But that just took a long 
time and then gave me a definition file with everything from the server in it 
(175+ MB)

I would also like to see a right click on a workflow object with some sort of 
"Send to Packing List" option so I can quickly dump new things into my Packing 
List without having to actually open an existing Packing List.

On Friday, March 07, 2008, at 12:41PM, "Carey Matthew Black" <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Actually... let me see if you can try something for me and see if we
>can get that to work...
>This is a sore topic for me. I have tried to get BMC to understand how
>dumb I think this feature is, but they appear to not share my concern
>for it.
>In the admin tool open the packing list of interest.
>Go to the "Packing List" menu and select "Generate XML".
>You need to use this "XML" file as the input to the admin tool command
>line. NOT an ARS def file (in xml format). [ The def file does not
>work, but it is what most people think should work. Most people do not
>ever look at the "Packing List" menu because it only shows up when you
>open a packing list , and the terminology is just "XML file" instead
>of the "special file generated from the menu of the packing list
>object via the admin tool".]
>My two cents....
>I should be able to mention the NAME of the packing list and not have
>any cached copy of it before the command line is called.
>And in my dream world... I can use a packlist as defined on a
>different ARS server too. ( Yes that means that I may need to pass in
>two usersnames and passwords, but I am ok with that. )
>So ... Picture this...
>Create a packing list on your Dev server.
>From the command line export those objects from Production.
>Import them to your Test server.
>Then import your Dev objects (presumably different from Production) to
>your Test server.
>You now have a way to maintain one list, on dev, of objects that are
>in a "release" and a way to use that list to normalize your Test
>Carey Matthew Black
>Remedy Skilled Professional (RSP)
>ARS = Action Request System(Remedy)
>Love, then teach
>Solution = People + Process + Tools
>Fast, Accurate, Cheap.... Pick two.
>On Fri, Mar 7, 2008 at 9:57 AM, Scott Philben <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> We found out an interesting bit of information yesterday about the command 
>> line uasge of the aradmin.exe command. On page 557 of the 6.3 Advanced book 
>> Remedy claims the following:
>>  To parse an XML packing list, and export all the objects defined in that 
>> packing list, use the following command format:
>>  aradmin -u <user_name> [-p <password>] -x <server_name> -e <target_file> -l 
>> <packing_list.xml>
>>  Well, when we tried to use that command to dump out a packing list worth of 
>> stuff nothing seemed to happen. So I opened an Incident with BMC and come to 
>> find out that the XML packing list thing does not appear to work in any 
>> environment that they can find. I think this is kind of odd since I believe 
>> that this option has been available since at least 5.1.2. I might be wrong.
>>  So anyway, don't try to dump stuff out of your system via an XML packing 
>> list file (not that you wanted to anyway since I can't find any reference of 
>> anyone else in history having the same problem and posting about it on the 
>> interwebs).
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