What I've had to do in the past in a similar situation is to have the
view form referencing a view on my DB that was using a linked server.
If you get that part, you can at least see the data.

However, if you have issues modifying or submitting the data,
unfortunately the next best solution is to build active links on buttons
that run SQL commands for insert and update.


Shawn Pierson

From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gary Dries
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 2:14 PM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Issues with building a view over a DB Link


I have created a Oracle (10g) to MSSQL (2003) dblink, I am able to
create the view, but I get sever fields that retrun the error

"Failure during SQL operation to the database : ORA-00904: "ADDRESS1":
invalid identifier (ARERR 552)."
We are researching several possible issues, such as permissions, and the
build of the table that I am creating the view of.

One suggetion I found searching the list is to create the view in Oracle
to the SQL db and then create the Remedy view to the Oracle view.

Is it possible to create a view from a view, and if it is, can the data
in the SQL table be modifed from Remedy in this view of a view of a SQL
Gary Dries

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