The state is not on your list but Good Wood in Utah is the best BBQ in the 

>>> Rick Cook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 6/13/2008 9:46 AM >>>
** My son just graduated from HS, and will leave for the Marines in October.  
Sometime between now and then, he and I are going to drive cross-country on a 
BBQ tour.  We'll start and end in Seattle, but we intend to hit all of the 
areas of the country famous for BBQ:  Texas, Louisiana, the rest of the South, 
North Carolina, Memphis, Chicago, and Kansas City.

We're still planning the specifics, and here's where all y'all come in:

I would love to know THE places to go in your part of the country (assuming 
it's one I mentioned above - this will be almost entirely SOUTH of the 
Mason-Dixon line) for outstanding BBQ, whether they're famous or a 
hole-in-the-wall.  We'll stay away from big chains for the most part (we have 
Famous Dave's up here), unless it is a local/regional one with a good local 

Thanks in advance for sharing!

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