I want to change the topic slightly and go off on a tangent that keeps coming 
up repeatedly.  That topic is of the power of ARS for development.

While I agree that ARS is great, I would have to qualify that to say that if 
you want to build an application that is within its capabilities, it is great.  
However, having worked with Visual Basic, PHP, Perl, and a few other things, I 
see plenty of limitations in ARS as a development tool.

For example, there is no such thing as a variable in ARS.  Yes, you can add a 
field to a form, even a Display Only field, but you can't instantiate fields 
during runtime on the fly.  You have to purposely create fields for usage later 
on, and this limitation causes us to often re-use certain fields as generic 
variables, which can make troubleshooting difficult sometimes.  I've worked on 
a system that someone else built that I had to troubleshoot something on a 
field that had many different Set Fields actions occurring at different points 
with different tables.  It was definitely possible, but since ARS is missing 
another major capability that most development platforms have.

ARS doesn't have a way to step through code.  We can't start up processing on a 
form, and pause it to see what is going on.  All we can do is 1) go through log 
files and recreate the workflow in our minds, or 2) pop up messages after each 
piece of workflow we want to troubleshoot.  If there was a way to step through 
each piece of workflow that is running, that would be a tremendous help to us.

Another issue that is more of a matter of taste I guess, is the inability to 
generate flat source-code.  Yes, I have learned to read .def files to some 
extent, but it should be easier to read.  Instead of values like " 
4\1\1\179\2\4\32\Change Level IA - Implementation\" in workflow, the definition 
files should display what we see in the Admin tool.

These are the somewhat major problems I have with ARS for development.  If you 
want to build an application with a database back end, a web interface, and 
have most of the standard controls (save, search, displaying tables, etc) just 
work automatically, ARS is a great too.  There isn't anything out there that 
I've worked with which can top ARS development in terms of speed.  In some 
cases, you do have to make sacrifices for more complex functionality, but it's 
still a great development platform for what it does.  I just wish BMC would 
change the things I mentioned above, plus a few other minor ones (I'd like to 
be able to use arrays if they implement variables, I'd like to be able to have 
workflow triggered off of typing in specific fields, not just pressing enter 
and gain/lose focus, etc.)

What are your thoughts about the pros and cons of ARS as a development tool?  
Perhaps we can put all of our heads together and go back to BMC and tell them 
what we want, plus come up with enough positive things about it to show our 
clients and employers that ARS is a great development tool.

Shawn Pierson

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