In a message dated 9/8/2007 1:33:34 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

If thats all  the dirt you can dig up on them, then ........

Not looking  for dirt.  Just what the court asked for:  How will JSRM  
benefit this town?
Incidents, like that below in Morristown, are already happening here and  
being documented, not by our own, but by the influx to JSRM.

>From _Library Edgy Over Order To Tolerate Homeless - New York  Times_ 
Morristown,  NJ          
...the library ... a symbol of security amid insecurity and, more tangibly,  
a sign of this community's edgy coexistence with its homeless....Unease Behind 
 the Granite Walls:...In the aftermath of Judge Sarokin's ruling, the 
library's  atmosphere seems uneasy...but [Mr. Kreimer, homeless] now spends his 
nights in  Lidgerwood Park and his days, it seems, bedeviling and befuddling 
officials  and others trying to help him. offered to enroll Mr. Kreimer in its 
job programs  for the homeless and for recovering drug addicts and alcoholics 
from the Market  Street Mission here.....Mr. Kreimer objects to what he has 
called a religious  element in the mission's rehabilitation work. "That turns 
homeless people off,"  he said in an interview last week...."It's not an issue 
of bad people  going after down-and-out people," Mayor Bloch said.
Still no answer as to why the 119 non-profits already in town aren't  
servicing our own 116 people the JSRM supporters' Fact  Sheet said we have in 
then please  consider my sincere suggestion to move along.
Move  along?
I live here  and have since I got out of college.
I didn't buy here as an investment, I bought a home.
I bought when long-times residents folks were leaving in droves, and the  
exploiters were having a field day.
I don't post here promoting my own sites, projects,  or any self-interest 
other than my affinity for this city.
I don't like cluttering this board with posts for anyone's amusement, but I  
feel compelled to respond to your imposing your LB experiences on residents of 
 Asbury Park.
And I don't plan to "move on" despite your "sincerity."

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