In a message dated 9/9/2007 2:29:19 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

but thats not what Is was saying, nor  Jesus.  
You implied some will go to hell:  ..."tells people in Matthew 25 that some 
will go  to heaven and some not simply based on what they did in  situations."  
So who will go to hell?  Those who  prolong poverty to keep in business, or 
those working to end the temporary fixes  and find solutions?

"The  Poor you will have with you always..."For all I know they may be on the 
planet  just to test faith.
Or maybe test how well we use the brains given  us.  I don't think the 
creator appreciates mamalukes exploiting  people.

I asked what Stand Up Asbury spent in  litigating against Market Street 
Mission.  I guess you will not answer  that question?

I am not an apologist for SUFA.  Money "spent" or put to use  is a different 
issue.  I'm not in position to know how much?  How  much have you spent and 
cost the City of Long Branch.

Let's just say we agree that MSM is  inefficient.  
OK you agree it's inefficient.  and  you said,  "OK: You are quoting one 
official you has  testified "his opinion" not substaniated facts.  [>  
Police Chief Pete Demnitz ...said sometimes  police feel the  mission is not 
being truthful ]
So it's inefficient AND at  least you acknowledge the police chief.  But 
unsubstantiated?  Check  his police blotters.

Tell me who would you  select to take over the shelter in Asbury Park, at 
that location and  why?

A totally different question.  City planners, council, chamber  of commerce, 
residents, the courst et al. can evaluate what will  most benefit our city and 
our own indigent.  
Your issues are with Long Branch.  Why keep inviting Asbury  residents to 
join your causes?  Can't you get enough takers in your own  domain?

My heart goes out to you and your  concerns.  I am a missioner, I don't 
prefer to work with folks with these  types of troubles.  I am called 
to do  it. 
And I often with disaffected teenagers from dysfunctional  families.  
But no one "called" me; I chose it.

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