In a message dated 9/10/2007 9:51:42 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

We will.  Mario's buying me beer the  last night (I think it's September 30). 
I of course owe Oak a beer or three. I  think apoojo owes me one, also.    
It's either going to be a  funeral or a re-birth.  Let's hope for the  latter.


A beer?   Sheeit!   I'll cover your  bar tab that night for all you did last 
week.  And not once  touting it here. 

(That  phrase agreement, of course, still holds.)   
In a message dated 9/11/2007 4:11:38 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

I've tried to stay out of this conversation;  will you permit me to end it? 
Also Mario, please forgive me for violating my  own rule and using something 
Growing up in my house, my mother  had pictures of only 3 men on the walls - 
Elvis, Jesus and Jack Kennedy (and I  think she had them in that 
order of importance;-))  Of course  liberals believe in God.  

I've got nothing against anecdotes; they are useful,  especially when used to 
lighten the tone.  It's anecdotal evidence that I  object to; it's rarely 
accepted as proof; worse even than analogies which are  the second least 
effective in debate.

Can that  please be the end of this silly thread?
It is a silly subject line; if I had authored it,  I'd be embarrassed every 
time saw it in a "Re: [Asbury Park]...."
But confirms your tab anyway as per agreement.

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