In a message dated 9/11/2007 4:53:44 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

The founding  Fathers were sneaking around avoiding King George's 
warrants for their  deaths.  They were forced to stop being in public 
places with  scheduled events, including church services.

Church services were not a problem  for King George, not the current King 
George Dubya, George III; many of the  Founding Fathers were mambers of the 
English Church.  
Our Founding Fathers were  sneaks.  They were among the most courageous ( to 
flout English  law) and enlightened thinkers (to create documents separating 
church laws  from civil laws: legality from private morality) of  their time. 
And so they  struggled to create a secular society which grants freedom of 
conscience and  religion
Don't mean to  pontificate, but gotta separate the ballon juice from the 
Use a spittoon for the former.  Leave it to the courst to derive  "truth" 
from interpreting the date and looking at the facts in the context of  their 

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