On 2017-05-12, at 09:56, somitcw wrote:

> My favourite was to branch to an odd address.
> S0C1 and S0C7 ABENDs are common, but any S0C6 abend was mine.
> If an operator called at 2:00AM, I would know who caused 3 pair of socks.
Unfortunately, IIRC the exception occurs after the branch is taken
so the PSW provides no ready indication of the point of error.

> Coding so that the assembler didn't flag it was needed but easy.
> Something like:
I suppose that could be doctored so the PSW points near
either the point at which the error was detected or to
an error message.

I think of:
         BZ    NOERROR  (If RC==0.)
         DC    X'00',C'You shouldn'ta done that.'

-- gil

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