On 2017-05-12, at 16:53, Keven Hall wrote:

> Regarding code like:
>>        BZ    NOERROR  (If RC==0.)
>>        DC    X'00',C'You shouldn'ta done that.'
> I'd suggest documenting the error in source code rather than the instruction 
> cache (or using a 1-byte numeric error code.
Good point.  So bunch them under a LOCTR far away and unlikely to
contend with cache.  1-byte error codes and reporting errors by
program check are a relic of antiquated storage constraints.  Even
decades ago, I remember a system from another vendor which had no
error codes.  Explanations appeared in the diagnostic manual
arranged by message texts in alphabetical order.  I suppose that
paid too little attention to national languages.  Nowadays for
systems lacking message codes, GIYF.

-- gil

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