I am ok with next, prev, ... but I suppose I do have a question
that is similar to Marks: how do I know in what order the results
are listed? Are they in historical order? Are these feeds grouping entries in alphabetical order, in inverse historical order? Perhaps in alphabetical order of author,...

Again next, prev, first, last deal very well with paging. how do we specify the order? Is this related to the query? Should there be a default order for
subscription feeds? Should the ordering information be specified in the

In rdf we could say things like

iana:historicalNext a owl:ObjectProperty;
        rdfs:subPropertyOf iana:next;
        rdfs:comment "a historically ordered next relation" .

and then use historicalNext for the particular historical ordering
that we need to archive our feeds. This would allow processors
who do not understand or care about the historical ordering to still
walk through the linked list of feeds.


Ps. writing from Italy http://dannyayers.com/archives/2005/10/15/welcome-to-the-atomowl/

On Sat, 15 Oct 2005, Mark Nottingham wrote:
OK, but that still leaves us with the question below -- who's doing the paging, and why is it useful to have multiple ways around the thing?

On 15/10/2005, at 7:25 PM, Eric Scheid wrote:

On 16/10/05 6:54 AM, "Mark Nottingham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Can you walk me through a use case where this would be desirable?
E.g. what would the subscription URI be, would any of the entries
be  updated, and how if so? In what scenario would having a closed
set  feed be useful?

An archive for a blog that is no longer being updated? An archive
of entries pertaining to an event with a fixed endpoint? A
discussion forum that has been closed.

How are implementations supposed to use this information? Stop
polling the feed? Consider its items immutable? I'm concerned if
something so innocent-looking as "last" has these sorts of implications.

perhaps a better example would then be a feed of search results, which at
any time of query is a finite and closed set, and also designed to be paged


Mark Nottingham   Principal Technologist
Office of the CTO   BEA Systems

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