On 18/10/05 2:04 AM, "Antone Roundy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 2) Search results, where the order of everything all along the entire
> chain shifts around all the time.
> BTW, case 2 destroys the idea of a "fixed" end and a "live" end.

Case 2 would be a closed set, generally speaking.

<geeking> Technically, they wouldn't necessarily be closed sets. Tim Bray,
search god that he is, has explained in some blog post somewhere that the
smart thing to do is simply find the first hundred or so results, sort them,
and only when the user asks for more pages to bother going off and finding
more results to add to the collection. It's complicated, I think I
understood it for all of 10 seconds after I finished reading it, and it only
really applies to searching massive collections ... searches in more finite
collections would be, could be, completely closed sets. </geeking>


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